
Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by allsoloscarlett, Dec 30, 2012.

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    please Update/fix world edit to cb 1.4.6 please right now only few commands on my server for worldedit like //cut, //wand and //superpickaxe like thats pretty much it that works for world edit.
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  3. Offline


    :eek: no i havnt :S im assuming mcmmo is there aswell? all my players r like get mcmmo..
  4. Offline


    I wasn't able to find a build of mcMMO that's compatible with 1.4.6, although I don't use it myself so I don't follow it. But I didn't see anything on the mcMMO BukkitDev page, whereas both WorldEdit and WorldGuard post links to the dev builds on BukkitDev.
  5. Offline


    alright thanks for the help :)
  6. Offline


    have you tried looking at sk89q's (the creator) wiki and downloading it from there? beta and development versions are commonly placed up there that are compatible with the latest versions of bukkit, before an official, stable version of the plugin is released.
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