[Update]NPC quests

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by DarkChaosRunner, Apr 20, 2012.

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    I'm the owner of a own survival server, which will get a new feature. (SkyCraft - not online for public yet) and another server want this too (RealmCraft). Well I've been looking for quest plugins and I noticed there are quite alot of them, the only problem is there is no working plugin anymore for NPC giving quests. There is NPC quester but this one doesn't work anymore.
    So what I'm asking is, is there someone who can update these plugins or someone who can tell me how to update it (please keep speaking english not java). This is my request:

    Citizen + uQuest = NPC quester
    Citizen + qQuest = Not Yet Developped Plugin

    qQuest is a "Newer" version of uQuest (http://forums.bukkit...2-5-r1-0.53649/)

    The red ones are the dead plugins xD

    Please let me know anything :3

    (I'm basically the most stupid wannebe coder in the world I suppose, but I do know how to open notepad++ so please please talk english)
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