Update A Plugin? uConomy

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by HDZortex, Jan 28, 2015.

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    I'm just wondering if any developers here are able to update a plugin for me. The plugins is uConomy.

    uConomy: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/uconomy/
    GitHub source: https://github.com/bm/uConomy

    The problem with uConomy is that when a user tries to sell a re-named item, it puts the item in the shop, but doesn't take the item away from the player. Also, whenever a user has something bought from them they are spammed with it.

    EX. of the spam: http://gyazo.com/587a7feed37a908f4eed40cabbcf08a1

    I would rather it just show the combined amount someone bought from you, and then the combined gold you received for selling it.

    Also, could anyone update the plugin to be fully compatible with UUID's instead of having to switch an option in the config on/off?
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    Have you attempted to contact the original author in any way? I typically don't allow this type of post, but the project is MIT.
    HDZortex likes this.
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    @eyamaz He sadly hasn't logged in since November 22, 2014 and hasn't replied to any of the comments on the plugin.
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    Alright I will see what I can do.

    nvm too much work.

    EDIT by Timtower: merged posts
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2015
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    I cri, lol. Thanks for trying :)
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    just use the plugin "BetterShop" it is, /buy /sell type of plugin it is 1.6.4 tho.
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    uConomy is a player run economy. They get gold and that's the currency. The shop is only full of what they put in. ;)
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