Solved Unique Players

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by TGRHavoc, May 6, 2014.

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    Hello fellow bukkit developers. This is more of a general question to how bukkit functions rather then a "Heres my code fix it" thread. So, my question is how does bukkit keep track of unique players? Does it keep all the players in a file some where, if so where is the file located? I want to know as a client has asked me to create a plugin which keeps track of unique players (Yes, I know one already exists) but I'm unsure of how bukkit handles unique players.
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    The Fancy Whale

    On player join event, you can either give every player their own file, or stick them all into one big file. Check if they already have a file/are in the file, and if not make them one.
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    The Fancy Whale
    Ah, I thought about that but then I realised that bukkit has the "player.isUnique()" method which raised the question. Thanks for the reply.
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