Unenchanter Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by NBS-Paste, Jun 15, 2023.

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    I'm looking for a plugin that is compatible with 1.20 that allows you to unenchant a item and put it on a book. Perferably using a grindstone. Thanks in advance.
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    mehboss likes this.
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    And it sets repair cost too ;)
    H7KZ likes this.
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    Thanks will try out both the to see which one works best for my server.
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    Thank you! I'll try this on the server me and my friends just started
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    Its been working great but recently when it has been on and off working when you disenchant. When I do /pl to see my plugins I get *KeepEnchant, the * is yellow but the rest shows up in green to show that it is enabled. A fix would be very helpful, thanks for all that you've done so far though.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Please post your full server log using https://pastebin.com or similar
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Protocol hacks are not supported by Bukkit
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