Unable to Compile/Run CraftBukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jis2507, Jun 15, 2012.

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    I have been trying for the past...however long....to try and get CraftBukkit to compile/run.

    I've cloned the Git Repo, got Maven 3 running fine, and the build finishes successfully with no errors (I use mvn clean package).

    However, when I try to run the .jar file, I simply get this error:

    I've tried running it using both OpenJDK 6 and 7. Neither worked. What am I missing here? I can't find compiling docs anywhere!
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    Just download the .jar from dl.bukkit?
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    Maybe he wants his own craftbukkit? On my PC compiles fine, but then failed to load main-class ;c
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