UHC All In One With Join Signs

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by TheR6erfOfficial, Jan 10, 2016.

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  1. Hi! I'm new to Bukkit Forums, For first I introduce myself for a moment:
    I'm TheR6erfOfficial, I come from Italy and my English is not too much perfect... By AnyWay
    Here is the Plugin Idea:
    Plugin Name= UHC-AllInOne
    Plugin Admin Permissions(All)= Uhc.Admin.*
    Plugin Commands= /Uhc for see the help list,
    /Uhc start to start the uhc
    /Uhc leave to leave the uhc
    /Uhc generate(Open a gui to generate: Walls,Teams,SpawnPoint per team or alone uhc.)
    FlowerPower(Ideas come to EximiusGaming Uhc server)
    Ideas for gamemodes like:
    FlowerPower(Destroy Flower and take things like armor or random blocks and ore...)
    SpeedUhc(Uhc with speed and night vision)
    Vanilla(Normal UHC With Setup Timer)

    (Ideas Are All to EximiusGaming I don't will copy all but yeah i love the server,,)
    Thanks for all people :D
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 10, 2016
  2. Offline


    This request is similar too:


    Seems like this is something people are wanting. Even players on my factions server have been asking for a UHC server on the network. Will definitely look into one of these if they are developed,
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    How many players are you wanting per arena? and how many total arenas?
  5. Mmmm I think 10 for arena... 3 arenas for solo games and 3 arena for teams game
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