
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by madtomic, Jan 10, 2016.

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    Suggested name: UglyDuckling

    What I want: An advance plugin that removes ugly terrain generations by the terrain engine


    - Remove these ugly terrains when the chunk is first generated

    - Remove lava pools above ground and replace lava with water so there won't be empty pot holes

    - Remove lava pools above y=?

    - Remove floating blocks and floating islands, check a body of blocks surrounded by air?

    - It should not affect player made structures

    - No commands or permissions needed

    When I'd like it by: As soon, as you can code this.

    Thank you very much for your time,
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    TerrainControl, It's too heavy duty - I needed something simpler and only does it on first chunk load.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @madtomic Checking some stuff that you want isn't lightweight.
    What is determined as ugly? How do you translate that to code?
    What is determined as a player made structure?
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    ugly = terrain generated when the chunk is first generated. stuff like floating blocks/islands and lava pools on above ground, that's why there is a y=? so no lava should be spawn above this y. If lava block detected, it would replace with water blocks so no pot holes or empty pools are left behind. as for floating blocks/islands, check for air surrounded it?

    player made structures = player placed blocks, this should not matter as this plugin only check and replace blocks on newly generated chunks and not old chunks.
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