Ubuntu + Bukkit: Port 25565 acting weird?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by fresser123, Oct 9, 2013.

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    Hey Guys..

    Im running Ubuntu 12.04, and since i have installed iRedMail and its firewall external ips cant join my server. (Thus other people on same network can)

    Its hosted on a dedicated.

    Why is it weird?
    - People dont get the motd, but they can press "join server" and then get the screen "logging in" followed by "took too long to login"
    - On my own server "nmap -v -A" dont mention port 25565, and neither do my external ip, from my own server.
    - On http://www.whatsmyip.org/port-scanner/ i scanned port 25565 to be open.

    On local i can join with both and my external ip, but no one else can..
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