Solved Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Object to SerializedLocation

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Maulss, May 16, 2013.

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    Hey guys, I got a problem. I'm currently focusing on a plugin for my server and Eclipse gives me the error on line 47 (spawns), line 52 (itemSpawns) and line 57 (items) in my main class:

    It gives me a "Type mismatch: cannot convert from element type Object to SerializedLocation" error.

    Here's my SerializedLocation class:

    This is an unfinished project I had for a long time, I decided to finish it.
    Any suggestions? Thanks!
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    As you initalize the lists (I think it's in line 30 - 32), you have to specify, what kind of objects the list will hold.
    //List "spawns" will have SerializedLocations
    List<SerializedLocationspawns = new ArrayList<SerializedLocation>();
    //List "itemSpawns" as well
    List<SerializedLocationitemSpawns = new ArrayList<SerializedLocation>();
    //List "items" will have ItemStacks
    List<ItemStackitems = ((Arena)e.getValue()).getItemToSpawn();
    I hope, this will help you out.
    Maulss likes this.
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    Thanks, all fixed. :)
    felixfritz likes this.
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    This is not your code. This my my old(few months old) code I sold to somebody, who sold it to about 15 other people. Don't take credit for other's work, even if you don't know who the orignal creator is.
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