
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by SkillAura, Sep 27, 2015.

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    If anyone could this, it'd be great :D

    So, i need a plugin that adds the command "/tutorial", In it, it warps you to places and displays a 1.8 title. (And subtitle), and after 5s warps you somewhere else



    Warps you to a shop area where you can't move
    And a 1.8 title shows up ( I Set)

    '§7Buy / Sell items here'

    After 5s, it warps to the next one and displays a new title.

    Now, thing is, there are plugins for this but i tried every plugin on bukkit/spigot and it just won't work.


    /tutorialadmin setpoint (Number)
    /tutorialadmin setpoint 1
    /tutorialadmin settitle (Number) &bTitle
    /tutorialadmin setsubtitle (Number) &7Subtitle
    /tutorialadmin settime (Number) (Time)


    /tutorialadmin setpoint 1
    /tutorialadmin settitle 1 &bTest
    /tutorialadmin setsubtitle 1 &7Test
    /tutoriadmin settime 1 5s
    and repeat with new numbers.

    And it auto runs the command on first join

    Can anyone do this?
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2015
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @SkillAura CommandOverride by mrCookieSlime can do this, you need to fill in the JSON on the title command yourself though.
  3. Offline


    @timtower What about not being able to move while in the warps, or having it wait 5s then warp to the next one?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @SkillAura The not moving: try a slowness effect, and it has build-in timers as far as I know.
    Not to mention that you didn't ask for not moving in your post.
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    I Removed part of the quote but its been there
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Would have been better if it was in this line:
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    @SkillAura @timtower
    Indeed, this could be done easily with CommandOverride.
    Link is in my Signature.


    - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 10000 10"
    - "console:/tp <player> X Y Z"
    - "console:/title {}"
    - "WAIT 5"
    - "console:/tp <player> X Y Z"
    - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 0 11"

    This should give you a rough idea.
    oceantheskatr and timtower like this.
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    @mrCookieSlime i don't see it in your signature. It mentions Quicksell slimefun and questworld but no links to CommandOverride

    Can you link me it?

    EDIT Nvm found it
  9. Offline


    ^^ Hehe, you are looking for a Link, remember?

  10. Offline


    @mrCookieSlime It's semming to work, any way to remove the
    [​IMG] ?

    EDIT: Now i'm having some issues with it, should i pm you?

    The /tutorial says unknown cmd now but the config seems ok
    Config.yml (open)

    # Name: CommandOverride
    # Author: mrCookieSlime
    # Do not modify the Config while the Server is running
    # otherwise bad things might happen!
    # This Plugin also requires CS-CoreLib to run!
    # If you don't have it installed already, its going to be
    # automatically installed for you
    # This Plugin utilises an Auto-Updater. If you want to turn that off,
    # simply set options -> auto-update to false
    auto-update: true
    use-unknown-command-message: true
    unknown-command-message: '&7Sorry, I do not recognize this Command! Please type
    &b/help &7for Help.'
    - '&aThis is an Example Message'
    - '&6Feel free to ignore me ;)'
    - '&eYou propably want to change something in the config here. Just set /example:
    - '&cIf you do that this message will no longer show up.'
    - command:/say You can also make players execute commands now
    - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 10000 10"
    - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Tutorial...",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
    - "console:/title <player> subtitle {text:"Please read this closely ",color:"gray",italic:true}"
    - "console:/warp tutorial1 <player>"
    - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Shop tutorial",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
    - "WAIT 5"
    - "console:warp tutorial2 <player>"
    - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Shop tutorial",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
    - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 0 11"

    Last edited: Sep 29, 2015
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    Yes, use MessageFilter by @fromgate
    or just do /gamerule <sendCommandFeedback/logAdminCommands> false
    I do not recall which of those two Gamerules it was.
  12. Offline


    Alright, @mrCookieSlime , do you know why the command isn't working? The config is there
  13. Offline


    10/10 you have done something wrong.

    I obviously need more Info than that and attempting to add me on Skype is not going to work...
  14. Offline


    @mrCookieSlime i put the config in a spoiler above. i'll put it again
    Config (open)

    # Name: CommandOverride
    # Author: mrCookieSlime
    # Do not modify the Config while the Server is running
    # otherwise bad things might happen!
    # This Plugin also requires CS-CoreLib to run!
    # If you don't have it installed already, its going to be
    # automatically installed for you
    # This Plugin utilises an Auto-Updater. If you want to turn that off,
    # simply set options -> auto-update to false
    auto-update: true
    use-unknown-command-message: true
    unknown-command-message: '&7Sorry, I do not recognize this Command! Please type
    &b/help &7for Help.'
    - '&aThis is an Example Message'
    - '&6Feel free to ignore me ;)'
    - '&eYou propably want to change something in the config here. Just set /example:
    - '&cIf you do that this message will no longer show up.'
    - command:/say You can also make players execute commands now
    - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 10000 10"
    - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Tutorial...",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
    - "console:/title <player> subtitle {text:"Please read this closely ",color:"gray",italic:true}"
    - "console:/warp tutorial1 <player>"
    - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Shop tutorial",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
    - "WAIT 5"
    - "console:warp tutorial2 <player>"
    - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Shop tutorial",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
    - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 0 11"
  15. @SkillAura Put it in [code][/code] tags so we can see the format of it.
  16. Offline


    # Name: CommandOverride
    # Author: mrCookieSlime
    # Do not modify the Config while the Server is running
    # otherwise bad things might happen!
    # This Plugin also requires CS-CoreLib to run!
    # If you don't have it installed already, its going to be
    # automatically installed for you
    # This Plugin utilises an Auto-Updater. If you want to turn that off,
    # simply set options -> auto-update to false
      auto-update: true
      use-unknown-command-message: true
      unknown-command-message: '&7Sorry, I do not recognize this Command! Please type
        &b/help &7for Help.'
      - '&aThis is an Example Message'
      - '&6Feel free to ignore me ;)'
      - '&eYou propably want to change something in the config here. Just set /example:
      - '&cIf you do that this message will no longer show up.'
      - command:/say You can also make players execute commands now
      - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 10000 10"
      - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Tutorial...",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
      - "console:/title <player> subtitle {text:"Please read this closely ",color:"gray",italic:true}"
      - "console:/warp tutorial1 <player>"
      - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Shop tutorial",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
      - "WAIT 5"
      - "console:warp tutorial2 <player>"
      - "console:/title <player> title {text:"Shop tutorial",color:"red",extra:[{}]}"
      - "console:/effect <player> minecraft:slowness 0 11"
  17. Offline


  18. Offline


    @mrCookieSlime the plugin just breaks. The unknown cmd msg dont work, and the 2 cmds added dont (/tutorial and the /example you added)
  19. Offline


    ... I need more Info than that...
    timtower likes this.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  22. Offline


    Server Log via Pastebin would be a good start.
  23. Offline


    Actually, i found the problem.

    It seems the title command might be too long. i remove it and it works perfect
    i change it from
    /title @p <player> {text:"Tutorial",bold:true}
    /title <player> title t
    and it works
  24. Offline


    Ohh, I see. It is not about that, you simply forgot to enclose your objects in ' and '
    you used " which causes errors when using tellraws, replace the beginnning and ending " with '
  25. Offline


    hey @SkillAura could you post the fixed version of your config, cause i want to a tutorial for my server too xD and i would be easier for me if you posted it, thanks for your time :p
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