[TUTORIAL]Running a Server: Port-Forwarding, Hamachi...

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by ImminentFate, Jul 19, 2011.


What do you use to let your players join your server?

  1. Hamachi

  2. Port-Forwarding

  3. LAN Play

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  1. Offline


    i like hamachi join my server
    hamachi id :star beast
    hamachi pass:321
  2. Offline


    Im having the same problem as doesntmatter. Im setting up a server for my friends, and we're all connected on hamachi, but we cant join minecraft. I have done this before the same way on another computer and it worked, why isnt it working on this computer?
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    we're all connected to hamachi, but when they try to join the server from the minecraft launcher, by typing in the hamachi ip my network has, it just says connection timed out.
    here's what my properties looks like
    #Minecraft server properties
    #Sat Jul 30 22:51:27 EDT 2011
    I have the minecraft server program and hamachi allowed through my firewall.
  5. Offline


    I once had a bukkit server going and people could join it, but it screwed up so I stopped running it. The weird thing was I never port-forwarded and I don't have a router. I was wondering if you need a router to run a craftbukkit server and if you don't need one how do you set up a different one?
  6. Offline


    Can I ask you something? I have made properly working bukkit server but my IP keeps on changing! Y DIS HAPPEN?
  7. Offline


    Why is it whenever I try to get the server files from minecraft.net it starts a server under the port :25565? I can't get the files :(

    Also when I run craftbukkit launcher it pops up with this: unrecognized option: -d64
    Could not create the Java virtual Machine
    Why am I getting this?

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  8. Offline


    I would recommend adding DNS instructions to this tutorial, also putting it on the BukkitWiki will help developing this tutorial!

    Otherwise, great tutorial for users who need it!
  9. Offline


    You have the wrong version of java for the installer you downloaded. Type java-version in cmd prompt to find your version of java

    Thanks, I never thought of putting it on the wiki!

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  10. Offline


    So, any suggestions?
  11. Offline


    I download the 64-BIT ( in which my sytem runs ) an t STILL gives me this.

    Yea...... I downloaded another copy of the launcher AND the 64-BIT Java and still same thing

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  12. Offline


    what version is your java?

    Well, try portforwarding your Hamachi ip as well, or try connecting with :25565 after the hamachi id

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  13. Offline


    ok so when i click launch craftbukkit i get java.lang.unsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\mark\AppData\Local\Temp\jline_git-Bukkit-0_0_0-945-g73697a4-b1000jnks.dll: Can't load IA 32-bit .dll on a AMD 64-bit platform

    But i downloaded the 64 bit java?
  14. Offline


    I HAVE isntalled Version 1.7 of Java, but when i run the CraftBukkit it sais that i havent installed it. What the fudge?!

    Your version of Java is not supported by this Launcher.
    This launcher supports java version "1.7.*"
    'java' was not recognized as an intern or extern command,
    a program or a batchfile.
  15. Offline


    Are you sure? Because 1.7 isn't the easiest to find on their website, and it seems it cannot recognize java anyway. Try redownloading java to the default install directory
  16. Offline


    when i tipe the router ip adress appear
    this need a username and a password
    i put my password the internet password and a lot of passwords but nothing works
    and then appear 401 unauthorized ¬¬
  17. Offline


    1.7.1 64-bit
  18. Offline


    ok yeah, I have confirmed that i screwed up the Starter JRE7.bat file, replace it with this one and it will work.

    Attached Files:

  19. Offline


    hey, i am having the same problem ETMinecraft had with the java error saying its not able to create the virtual machine... i checked and i installed the right version of java for the installer and i dont understand whats wrong

    also when i start up the crafbukkit starter, as a bunch of text pops up i notice it says access denied because the file is being used by something else blah blah... why is that

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  20. Offline


    It just means it wont delete some files because other programs are using it. Don't worry about it, cos if it wont delete them, it means theyre important
  21. Offline


    o ok thanks. i got another question tho, how do i make my single player world my server?
  22. Offline


    copy your single player world folder into the server folder. Then, rename the world in server.properties to match your single player world name
  23. Offline


    Thanks for that but now it says unable to access jarfile blah blah blah blah the snapshot thing in which i have. Ugh - edit - I moved it to the .craftbukkit file under %APPDATA% and it is saying unable to create the java virtual machine.... o_o Sorry if I am being so annoying but I'd just like to get my server set up. Thanks!
  24. Offline


    i'm having more or less pitsers problem.
    #Minecraft server properties
    #Sat Jul 16 14:02:15 EST 2011
    we are all connected to the hamachi, yet i am the only one able to connect to the server
  25. Offline


    when they connect, they need to add :25565 after the ip so it looks like this in the multiplayer screen : if that doesnt work, try changing the port and try again
  26. Offline


    still nada, perhaps i should just set up port forwarding
  27. Offline


    I wonder if there is anywhere to chat and write server commandos/premissions (Something like the normal minecraft launcher jar-file) in the ".craftbukkit" folder. I would really appreciate if anyone can answer this as soon as possible, I´m in a quite hurry... ^^´

    Btw, awesome job ImmenentFate! Rock on! ;D
  28. Offline


    Sorry, I don't quite get what you're trying to ask
  29. Offline


    Ah okay, sorry for being a bit blurry, I´m a real noob with bukkit and all this, so excuse me if I´m not talking clearly... :p
    Okay, I´m not sure how to explain this, so I just show an example. If you go here and play the video tutorial, and skip to 01:27-01:41, you can clearly see that he is able to write commands to it and use it pretty much like the ordinary minecraft.jar-file (which I was blabbering about above). Nothing strange so far...
    The thing is that I can´t do that. When I start the CraftBukkit Starter this is what happens:

    After some text a window comes out that says "The file Java.exe couldn´t be found. Control that you chose the right name and try again."
    After that this happens in the launcher:

    Optimization Completed Successfully!
    java isn´t an intern commando, extern commando, program or commandofile.
    Push any button to proceed.
    And when I press a button the launcher just shut down and then nothing. When I try my bukkit server it all works perfectly, but I can´t see any sign of a place where I can write commands and stuff like that.
    So, what I´ve wondered in the whole time is why my launcher doesn´t act that way it shall... :p

    Did all that make sense or were I speaking strange again? :)

    1. What OS are you using (Brand and version - Ex. Windows XP SP3)? Answer: The last hing I don´t get but I´m using Windows 7.
    2. What architecture is the OS you are running (x64 or x86)? Answer: Can anyone inform me where to look att my computer which architecture I´m using?
    3. What version and architecture is your java install? (Type: java -version in command prompt.) Answer: I ask the same thing here as Question 2...
    4. Are you running any wrappers? McMyAdmin, mcadmin, Hamachi, etc? Answer: I´m running Hamachi.
    5. What build of CraftBukkit are you running? (do NOT say latest. Say the build number.)
    The build number is displayed in the top of the server.log. Answer: Since CraftBukkit updates itself (or?), I think that it´s the latest 1.7.3 I use... :eek:

    Now that you've given us all the basics, now we get into the more advanced stuff. Note, if you haven't answered 1-5 yet, answering 6-10 will be almost pointless.

    6. What command are you using to run your CraftBukkit server?
    7. What plugins are you running? Answer: I´m only running SupernaturalPlayers (yet).
    8. What error are you getting (post your server.log file)? Answer: As I described above.
    9. What have you tried already? Answer: Tried a multiple times to start the launcher at different times.
    10. Have you tried any of the things below? Answer: No.
  30. Offline


    Oh, the error means you might not have the newer versions of java. Just try this:
    Open up a new command prompt
    Type java -version
    Tell me what it shows
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