Would it be possible anyone could make an enderman disguise? yes ive seen mob disguises but they should really add enderman even though 1.8 isnt here quite yet. it would be really fun to run far to the field have someone look at you stare at them and freak them out to death xD and im not much of a plugin maker. y no replies bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
1. WAIT for official 1.8; 2. WAIT for a recommend Bukkit build for 1.8 3. Go to the MobDisguise thread and nag the author. There's nothing we can do about enderman in 1.7.3 and RB#1060
I am pretty sure there will be no 1.8Pre bukkit. If we are lucky we can have bukkit for 1.8 Wednesday. For the time being, use @Adamki11s 's advice. Ask a friend to wander around in an enderman skin, move random blocks, and stare at others.
Hell, if MobDisguise doesn't include it a week after the RB, i'll send a pull request for it myself. Just sit back and follow Unset's brilliant advice.
1.8 prerelease! I HAVE it and enderman look different, and they hold blocks different and are 3 blocks tall there is no bukkit build for prerelease 1.8 ? and enderman skin = they see ur name n crap
There is no bukkit build for 1.8. There won't be until the official release of 1.8. If you want Endermen as a disguise so bad that you can't wait until MONDAY, then goddamn make it yourself.
Guys! Lighten up on @TheTailsDoll He doesn't know how hard plugins are to make and how impossible it is to create a disguise for a mob that isn't added in the game. @Relick - Sorta obnoxious
well the mob has the skin and stuff, it is added in a version i dont see why you its impossible to make a disguise with the proper skin? couldnt you just hide the name, and change the players model and skin?
Yeah, but because it hasn't been released fully, the server software hasn't been updated for 1.8 yet. This means plugins like MobDisguise are unable to hook into the server software and turn you into an enderman. Unless you have some extreme knowledge of java, it's doubtful getting it to work before monday, by which time the official version is released anyway. Understand now?
Nope... They are still developing 1.8 every day= the code changes every day So giving the code to the bukkit team wouldn' t make any sense... + that guy said " way before the leak" ...no chance! Way before the leak probably wasn' t even playable...
The leaked 1.8 was a pre-release version, which is given to some people for testing the bugs, before releasing it! Bukkit was, of course, given that version...in the same time, it was leaked, so the entire world has the same version as the bukkit team! (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong, but afaik, that' s the situation)
They already had the version before it was leaked. It's quite obvious, otherwise they could hardly leak it themselves, could they now?