[TP] Wormhole X-Treme - Multi-World capable Stargates - Moved to BukkitDev!

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by lycano, Jul 1, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    Wormhole X-Treme v1.016
    Multi-World capable Stargates for bukkit powered servers
    Craftbukkit 1846

    This project has been moved to BukkitDev
    Please visit the new project page on BukkitDev http://dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/wormhole_x-treme/

    Project moved to BukkitDev

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2016
  2. Offline


    @SBHouse last time i checked there was no skylands any longer it has been replaced by THE_END. Wxt doesnt have that env currently implemented. I only have to change the Env to THE_END but your world skylands may be unuseable then, when i replace SKYLANDS with THE_END cause there will be the end you know ;)
  3. Offline


    was about to add this to the server along with the new RB but noticed the issues people are mentioning and the replys that not updated till RB is out, is there a dev verson that will work with the RB or is it just a waiting game lol ?
  4. Offline


    Ok this does NOT work on the new RB for bukkit. Just letting you know.
  5. Offline


    i gave the latest one a test in my well test server and didnt get any errors
  6. Offline


    Has me worried for like 2 mins there mrgreaper :)

    174 recipes
    27 achievements
    02:19:41 [INFO] Starting minecraft server version 1.0.1
    02:19:41 [INFO] Loading properties
    02:19:41 [INFO] Starting Minecraft server on *:25565
    02:19:41 [INFO] This server is running Craftbukkit version git-Bukkit-1.0.1-R1-b1597jnks (MC: 1.0.1) (Implementing API version 1.0.1-R1)
    02:19:41 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme][v1.011] Loading WormholeXTreme ...
    02:19:41 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme][v1.011] Load complete
    02:19:41 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds][v0.505] Startup in progress ...
    02:19:41 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds] Config Loaded
    02:19:42 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds] World Config Loaded: world.xml
    02:19:42 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds][v0.505] Loading ompleted
    02:19:42 [INFO] [BukkitInsider] Injecting reflection...
    02:19:42 [INFO] [BukkitInsider] Reflection OK, now able to intercept.
    02:19:42 [INFO] BukkitInsider loaded. Use /introspect to get some info.
    02:19:42 [INFO] Preparing level "world"
    02:19:42 [INFO] Default game type: 0
    02:19:42 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 0 (Seed: 368574274)
    02:19:42 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 1 (Seed: 368574274)
    02:19:42 [INFO] Preparing start region for level 2 (Seed: 368574274)
    02:19:43 [INFO] [Backup] Permissions system not detected, defaulting to OP.
    02:19:43 [INFO] Backup v1.8.3 has completed loading!
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CommandBin] I could not detect any Permissions on your server.Defaulting to OP!
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CommandBin] Enabled successfully.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CommandBin] You are running version: v1.34
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CreeperHeal] [CreeperHeal] Loaded 0 traps
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CreeperHeal] Loading config
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CreeperHeal] Loading world: world
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CreeperHeal] Loading world: world_nether
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CreeperHeal] Loading world: world_the_end
    02:19:43 [INFO] [CreeperHeal] version 4.2.4 by nitnelave is enabled
    02:19:43 [INFO] PermissionsBukkit v1.2 is now enabled
    02:19:43 [INFO] TorchArrow v0.8 - Plugin Enabled.
    02:19:43 [INFO] WorldEdit 578-f5e798b enabled.
    02:19:43 [INFO] WorldEdit: Using the Bukkit Permissions API.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [TrainCarts] 11 Trains have been loaded in 1 world. (17 Minecarts)
    02:19:43 [INFO] [TrainCarts] version 1.53 is enabled!
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme][v1.011] Boot sequence initiated...
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] Permission Plugin not yet available. Defaulting to built-in permissions until Permissions is loaded.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] Help Plugin support disabled via settings.txt.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] Attached to Wormhole Worlds version 0.505
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] 19 Wormholes loaded from WormholeDB.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme][v1.011] Enable Completed.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme][v1.011] Boot sequence completed
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds][v0.505] Enabling plugin ...
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds] Permission Plugin not yet available.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds] Help plugin is not yet available; there will be no Help integration until it is loaded.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds] Auto-loaded 1 world.
    02:19:43 [INFO] [WormholeXTremeWorlds][v0.505] Startup finished
    02:19:43 [INFO] Server permissions file permissions.yml is empty, ignoring it
    02:19:43 [INFO] Done (0.141s)! For help, type "help" or "?"
    02:19:46 [INFO] / lost connection
    02:19:49 [INFO] jsgage [/] logged in with entity id 368 at ([world] -63.24174807538263, 14.0, -325.78361550270614)
    02:20:03 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: Spawner3 to go to: 5away
    02:20:34 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: 5away to go to: Spawner3
    02:20:54 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: Spawner3 to go to: Stronghold2b
    02:21:01 [INFO] jsgage lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    02:21:01 [INFO] Connection reset
    02:21:01 [INFO] [Backup] Set last backup. It will start in %%ARG%% minutes of server inactivity.
    02:21:01 [INFO] Started Backup...
    02:21:01 [INFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save..
    02:21:02 [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete.
    02:21:02 [INFO] CONSOLE: Disabling level saving..
    02:21:05 [INFO] [Backup] Removing the following backups due to age:
    02:21:05 [INFO] [Backup] [backups\20111211-023414.zip, backups\20111211-023931.zip, backups\20111211-034915.zip]
    02:21:06 [INFO] Finished Backup!
    02:23:49 [INFO] jsgage [/] logged in with entity id 7909 at ([world] 658.1409034323691, 64.0, 662.4822595577127)
    02:23:55 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: Stronghold2b to go to: Spawner3
    02:24:14 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: Spawner3 to go to: S-pyramid
    02:24:32 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: S-pyramid to go to: Spawner3
    02:24:51 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: Spawner3 to go to: Village
    02:25:10 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: Village to go to: StrongHold1
    02:25:32 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: StrongHold1 to go to: GlassDome
    02:25:51 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: GlassDome to go to: CreeperDrop
    02:26:18 [INFO] [WormholeXTreme] jsgage used wormhole: CreeperDrop to go to: Village2
    02:26:29 [INFO] jsgage lost connection: disconnect.quitting
    02:26:29 [INFO] Connection reset
    02:26:29 [INFO] [Backup] Set last backup. It will start in %%ARG%% minutes of server inactivity.
    02:26:29 [INFO] Started Backup...
    02:26:29 [INFO] CONSOLE: Forcing save..
    02:26:30 [INFO] CONSOLE: Save complete.
    02:26:30 [INFO] CONSOLE: Disabling level saving..
    02:26:34 [INFO] [Backup] Removing the following backups due to age:
    02:26:34 [INFO] [Backup] [backups\20111212-005204.zip]
    02:26:34 [INFO] Finished Backup!
  7. Offline


    Yes my bad, one gate was in an apparently invalid world... the skylands. /facepalm
  8. Offline


    np got it working great here on the rb very nice plugin love the iris function :)
  9. Offline


    About the "Skyland" stuff .. im kinda worried about this cause you may still want to use your old skyland world. But i have to change the Env enum ...

    That said is there a need of making it possible to use your previously created skyland world with 1.0 or do you just trash it?
  10. Offline


    Well nothing on my server is ever truly lost. I am a bit of a backup hoarder... Were there a way of reinstituting the Skylands I would do so in a heart beat. They're quite lovely to visit, but without Inception they're rather dangerous. I'm not sure what I want to do with them.
  11. Offline


    Hey guys not sure if you're aware but at least for our server, every time we do a restart all the irises on the idc protected gates open up. Is there a way to fix this or is this a bug you will fix in a later update?
  12. Offline


    @MikeKoder its not a bug its a feature ^^ everytime you do a restart all gates will reset to default.
  13. Offline


    Is there a way to turn off this feature?
  14. Offline


    @MikeKoder i would have to save the last state of the gate when the system is reloaded. Do you really need this?
  15. Offline


    Use Multiverse to change the Environment of the Skylands world to normal, that way it's just a normal world with floating islands, I can't be more specific since I don't know exactly the steps to do this but I know it's possible. Problem is new chunks will be generated as normal terrain and not flying so you generate all you want now and put a border in with a plugin or plain bedrock
  16. Offline


    It'd be really really nice to have, but it's not absolutely necessary. We restart the server twice a day to clear memory and we have a few gates with idc because we don't want guests getting in to those areas and since they can see the gate names by doing /wxlist they can get into those areas if we are not on to re-close the iris.
  17. Offline


    23:06:37 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling WormholeXTremeWorlds v0.505 (Is it up to date?): SKYLANDS
    Could I just have it so that the skylands world is turned into a normal work but no new chucks will generate leaving it the same size and still in the sky?
  18. Offline


    I have a problem .... it seems that my wxw cant find any of my gates! and i dont want to reconstruct all of the 47 gates! any ideas?
  19. Offline


    @player_x if your world contains any skyland worlds then wxw would not load. Furthermore if WXW isnt loaded then WXT will not load also. An 1.0 compatible version will be out Thurstday as i do have a complete day off.
  20. Offline


    skyworlds made by myself of by the server? i deletet my skylands - same problem! and i cant rly delete the other skyland. the server keeps building them....
  21. Offline


    Could I add the skylands code back myself? Or would that break even more? Id like to have the end and my skylands world though.
  22. Offline


    @player_x well, you have to remove the skyland world via wxremove with the current version.

    Since 1.0 skyland is not available any longer. The generator for skyland is replaced by THE_END so no without a plugin (if this is possible) it cant be added back. Even if you try to use the skyland world and say "its a normal world" the generator would generate non-skyland terrain.
  23. Offline


    I was wondering if you could add a config option for case sensitivity? Also, a nice touch for stargate fans would be if the wormhole killed you when it opens (toggleable in config ofc).
  24. Offline


    @smmalis37 "case sensitivity" you mean that you dont have to type the gate name exactly? Shure! Will do.

    Speaking of "beeing killed when standing in the stream" .. as i will seperate animation and portal material ill have to look at it.
  25. Offline


    This plugin is quite buggy with the newer builds of lwc, if their's a lwc lock on a sign then it might dissapear when the server is restarted.

    plus there's a few errors thrown on startup.

    Mostly ones that lost their signs.
    2011-12-21 18:02:57 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: Top Side and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:57 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: Phishy-NPC and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: cobble gen and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: CartCastle and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: Cokeworld and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: ~HOME~ and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: quarry and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: musicdiskfarm and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: piano&fishtank and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: laboratory and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: enchantment and will be unable to change dial target.
    2011-12-21 18:02:58 [WARNING] [WormholeXTreme] Unable to get sign for stargate: Nether and will be unable to change dial target.
    plus another error on one of the other gates on startup.
    2011-12-21 18:02:59 [WARNING] Task of 'WormholeXTreme' generated an exception
    java.lang.ClassCastException: org.bukkit.craftbukkit.block.CraftBlockState cannot be cast to org.bukkit.block.Sign
        at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.model.Stargate.dialSignClicked(Stargate.java:1902)
        at de.luricos.bukkit.WormholeXTreme.Wormhole.logic.StargateUpdateRunnable.run(StargateUpdateRunnable.java:122)
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:137)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.w(MinecraftServer.java:493)
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:425)
        at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:457)
  26. Offline


    Hey, this is a great plugin, thanks for you work :)

    May I suggest adding multiple active materials? e.g. ACTIVE_MATERIAL_1, ACTIVE_MATERIAL_2, ACTIVE_MATERIAL_3, etc? It'd be great for completely transforming the gate when dialing :)

    Oh and also, how about different block activating for incoming and outgoing dialing? Something like [S:LI] for blocks that will light when going TO the gate, and [S:LO] when going FROM the gate? (I = in, O = out)
  27. Offline


    @Yoav intresting idea!
  28. Offline


    Well the leader of my server is using this plugin and teleporting to places without gates, almost like co-ordinates, there used to be a gate there but it is removed( I do not know if this is true with the other locations he teleports to). He refuses to tell me how to do it. "custom gate" or "hadron" or something like that maybe? sorry if i missed it in your first post. if you could help me with this it would be much appreciated! Maybe it has to do with the minecart teleportation as I cannot seem to find any info on that. I'm not sure. But the lack of this knowledge by the server is giving the leader an advantage and it is supposed to be fair. Help please ( it is NOT admin commands!)
  29. Offline


    please L, can you make it 1,0 compatible? me and my clan cant play without this plugin! so needy ....
    4-lom likes this.
  30. Offline


    I wanted to suggest the possibility of putting gates on more than one network. That way you could link 2 networks together with one gate, like how Atlantis works in the show.

    EDIT: Would it be possible to make this plugin compatible with TrainCarts? Then we can send trains of carts through the portal.
  31. Offline


    lycano just a small one when i build the dhd place a sign and a button , type "//wxbuild gateshape" all goes well until i press the button
    on the dhd , wormhole activates but the button from a button to a lever, .. is this by design ?
    is it possible in your next build to be able to choose wether you use button or lever
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