Inactive [TP] MyHome v2.3 [BukkitDev, 1.3.1-R1]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Spathizilla, Apr 17, 2011.

  1. Offline


    MyHome v2.2
    Release Date: 1st March 2012
    Yes, MyHome 2.2 works on 1.2.3, Try it.

    Recommended Craftbukkit Build: 1.1-R4+

    Permissions Support:
    MyHome can use Permissions 2, Permissions 3, PermissionsEx, GroupManager, bPermissions, bPermissions2 plugins or the built-in SuperPerms to manage permissions and in some cases, user/group settings also.

    Economy Support:
    Supports iConony 4, iConomy 5, iConomy 6, BOSEconomy 6, BOSEconomy 7, EssentialsEco and MultiCurrency to allow charging for using MyHome commands. This is provided via Register

    Getting Help & Feature Requests:
    Please use the MyHome DevBukkit ticket system to report bugs and submit feature requests. There is also a forum where you can ask questions which are not ticket suitable.

    ChangeLog v2.2:

    Important: You will need to re-generate your config file as it has completely changed.
    • Fix: SuperPerms now correctly allows ops to run commands (when enabled)
    • Fix: Decreased the sensitivity of movement detection
    • R5: Updated to new event listeners
    • Localization: German Translations: Thanks to Maxs
    • Localization: Updated Russian Translations, Thanks to MisterFix
    • New feature: Only allow /home to be used within x blocks of their home point
    • Per user/group distance node: myhome.distance.home
    • New feature: Table name in the database can be changed
    • bPermssions 2 support
    • More cleanup and optimization
    • New config layout - remake your config! [New config.yml]
    New per user/group node:
    * myhome.distance.home - Maximum blocks away from their /home point that /home will work.

    Older changes (open)

    2.1b only: Fixed non PEx plugins failing because I am an idiot
    2.1a only: Fixed an NPE when using SuperPerms

    Important: Be sure to update the permissions if you allow players to bypass the economy costs.
    • A massive permissions overhaul to make things more reliable
      • bPermissions support added
      • SuperPerms support added
    • Feature Localizations (english, spanish and danish so far)
    • Feature: Some commands (like deleting homes) works via console
    • Bug Fix: Zero second timers no longer block in laggy servers
    • Bug Fix: Beds cannot /sethome if the user doesnt have that permission
    • Lots of cleanup (you wont see this bit).
    • Permission Change: Economy "free" permissions no longer included under myhome.home.*
    Permissions changes:
    (*) - Allow /sethome and /home usage for free
    ( - Allow /sethome usage for free
    ( - Allow /home usage for free

    Added /sethome which can be enabled in the config (Config: allowSetHome = false)
    The new /sethome uses the same permission as /home set so no extra permissions needed.
    Added a cooldown for setting the home position (Config: coolDownSetHome = 0)

    v1.9.4c - Unreleased (fixed with a symlink on the webserver):
    Fixed the update url going to lib/lib.

    Updated SQLite download urls.

    Added Manifests to JAR to fix lib issues

    Forked plugin from 1.9.3
    Fix for onPlayerJoin changes in Bukkit
    Sergey95, Hopium, Phaedrus and 3 others like this.
  2. Offline



    I have been having a problem... I set my cooldown and warm up to some time, reset my server, and it still does not make it so you have wait the warmup or the cooldown... It just goes automatically whenever you type it in. I do have the "cooldown and warmup applies to the admin box" on true. I think it might be a problem with which version I got. So excuse me for I still do not get what the differences of what like myhome.home.basic and myhome.home.soc.* does and where you can apply/change them, specifically to make my members wait the cool down and warmup times I have set for them. Do u download them separately? If you have any ideas of what may be going on I would greatly appreciate help.

    Thank you,
    -Chandler Pipkin

    P.S. I am a noob with bucket and plugins so if the Awnser is very simple my appoligys.
  3. Offline


    That's literally a serious question. Will you at any point in this plugins immediate life add the ability to set more than one home?
  4. Offline


    This is now in 2.1

    2.1 progress list updated too

    MyHome will have the ability to set a home in each world running on the server. However, multiple homes per world just becomes a warp plugin - Use MyWarp for that.
  5. Offline


    mhhh dont work for me, any other suggestions to get it work?
  6. Offline


    Where is MyWarp for 1.8.1?
  7. Offline


    Please update for PermissionsBukkit Pleas-Please-Please :p
  8. Offline


    MyHome v2.1b
    Release Date: 24th November 2011
    Since I didnt want to delay the superperms support any longer, MyHome 2.1 has been released without the new config included. As always, please put any problems in a ticket on devbukkit.

    ChangeLog v2.1b:
    2.1b: Fix NPE caused by discovery of non PEx or SuperPerm plugins. I fail.
    2.1a: Fix NPE in SuperPerms

    2.1:Important: Be sure to update the permissions if you allow players to bypass the economy costs.
    • A massive permissions overhaul to make things more reliable
      • bPermissions support added
      • SuperPerms support added
    • Feature Localizations (english, spanish and danish so far)
    • Feature: Some commands (like deleting homes) works via console
    • Bug Fix: Zero second timers no longer block in laggy servers
    • Bug Fix: Beds cannot /sethome if the user doesnt have that permission
    • Lots of cleanup (you wont see this bit).
    • Permission Change: Economy "free" permissions no longer included under myhome.home.*
    Permissions changes:
    (*) - Allow /sethome and /home usage for free
    ( - Allow /sethome usage for free
    ( - Allow /home usage for free
  9. Offline


    Error with craftbukkit and ur plugin only
    After next restart, download is gone but error is still there


    And please, can u tell me why u use /home
    when ur addone name is "My"Home
    and ur commands are "my"home ?

  10. Offline


    Should be fixed in 2.1a now. I missed one NPE condition.
    As for the command, /home and /myhome both work. All home plugins use /home
  11. Offline


    2011-11-25 02:26:55 [INFO] [MyHome] Creating Database...
    2011-11-25 02:26:55 [INFO] [MyHome] 0 homes loaded
    2011-11-25 02:26:55 [INFO] [MyHome] Using localization: English (en)
    2011-11-25 02:26:55 [SEVERE] Error occurred while enabling MyHome v2.1a (Is it up to date?): null
        at me.taylorkelly.myhome.permissions.PermissionsHandler.checkPermissions(
        at me.taylorkelly.myhome.permissions.PermissionsHandler.<init>(
        at me.taylorkelly.myhome.permissions.HomePermissions.initialize(
        at me.taylorkelly.myhome.MyHome.onEnable(
        at org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.enablePlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.loadPlugin(
        at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftServer.enablePlugins(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.e(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.a(
        at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.init(
  12. Offline


    Wow, I totally fail. I dont know how I didnt spot that.

    2.1b uploaded.

    If you downloaded MyHome 2.1b before this post, please redownload it there was one missed line which would break with bPerms.

    I am clearly blind it seems. So if this version breaks as of 5:28am gmt then I'll fix it tomorrow


    2.0.1 is still on DevBukkit for those who dont need SuperPerms or the other fixes or those who just want to wait until my blondeness has passed.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  13. Offline


    haha its perfect now! :D
  14. Offline


    yeah error is gone thx

    but wth that other thing about /home and /myhome
    the /home xxx commands didnt work for me
    only when i begin with /MYhome xxx it works
    is there a problem with another plugin for me ?
    maybe essentials.home ? but i cannot remove that plugin
    what else can i do ?

    i think i found that problem
    delete AdminCmd and CommandBook
    and re write some permissions in yml
    i dont know why we used that plugins...
  15. Offline


    It wont be Essentials as that yields the commands to other plugins. CommandBook does override it though. This is the very reason I made /myhome work as an alternative to /home.
  16. Offline


    Is there anyways I can stop commandbook from stealing "/home"??? Beside deleting the plugin?
  17. Offline


    mhh still doesn`t work with permissions ex for me... any suggestions?
  18. Offline



    I realize it's not tested yet... but I'm running this on 1.0 (Build 1515). When I type /home help I only see one command listed "/home point". Is there something simple I'm missing or is this plugin in need of some work for 1.0?

  19. Offline


    When that happens it is always permissions related. The help command checks your permissions and only lists the commands you can actually activate.
  20. Offline


    So do I need to implement some sort of permissions to make this plugin work? I simply put the plugin in my plugin directory and booted up CraftBukkit. Are there some other installation requirements for permissions? I'm not familiar with the CB permissions system and I don't have any permissions plugins installed.

    Thanks for your help @Spathizilla !
  21. Offline


    problem solved.... the issue wasn't pex. it was commandbook cause of its own home; loaded customized version without and it works ;)

    @Spathizilla a conversion for warmups and cooldowns in minutes and hours would be nice
  22. Offline


    Using CB 1547, MC 1.0, myhome 2.1b

    I know its for 1337, but i figured I would post here.

    When setting up perms for permbukkit, the user can do all commands, even when set to false
    All I want is for people to be able to /home set, and /home. But they can do everything else.

    As for the /home point thing as said above. I only get that on the OP's. which have all .* perms.

    anyways..this is what I have in my permbukkit in my default group.

    myhome.home.basic.home: true
    myhome.home.basic.set: true*: true
    myhome.home.soc.others: false
    myhome.home.soc.public: false
    myhome.home.soc.list: false
    myhome.home.soc.invite: false

    and for admins

    myhome.admin.*: true

    edit: does it need superpermbridge. ??

    Console says

    2011-12-03 02:35:04 [INFO] [MyHome] 4 homes loaded
    2011-12-03 02:35:04 [INFO] [MyHome] Using localization: English (en)
    2011-12-03 02:35:04 [INFO] [MyHome] Access Control: Using SuperPerms

    Also, i just put : false to ALL perms listed on your dev page. and users still have access to everything, and OP's have access to nothing

    EDIT EDIT: yes you DO need superpermbridge.

    everything works now :)
  23. Offline


    Just finished setting up bPermissions, everything is working ok EXCEPT /home <other>

    I have the myhome.admin.* node
    I have also tried manually adding myhome.admin.home.any node
    Neither of them give my mods access.

    Works ok for OP's.
    The other permissions come through fine using the myhome.admin.* node, so I know its at least somewhat working.
    They CAN do /home listall, while non-mods cannot.

    Thanks for your help and great plugin continuation!


    Never mind me!

    I used the myhome.* node instead and it works!



    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  24. Offline


    I'll still look into it as it should work.
  25. Offline


    I'm having the problem mentioned earlier. I use essentials but not permissions and admins cant use any commands other than /home point but other users have access to the other commands
  26. Great plugin! Me and my friends love it!
    So I decided to translate it into German. Here it is:
    It'd be great, if you would add it to the plugin.
  27. Offline


    PermissionsEx 1.16, MyHome 2.1b, CB1597 (RB). /home is giving 'no permissions' error. Worked fine with same PEX, CB1547.
  28. Offline


    What is the exact error message?
  29. Offline


    Sorry, false positive. CommandBook was overriding /home. Again.
  30. Offline


    when a players looks around just 1 pixel or a mob bumps him, it cancels the timer. is that a bug? it would be nice if at least you could look around while warming up, but the mob bump or player bump causeing a cancel would be cool.

    Really i suggest if you like the way it works with cancelling the warmup by moving the mouse 1 pixel, either intentionally or unintentionally, You should make another cancel warmup. You should be able to at LEAST look around while your warming up your cast to go home. Alot of players really complain about how its implemented.
  31. Offline


    MyHome doesn't work when the CommandBook plugin is in use, this wasn't a recurring problem until I updated CommandBook to the latest recommended build a few hours ago. I've been using MyHome & CommandBook since March of 2011. Any help would be appreciated, this plugin is very convenient to our community.

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