[TP] HomeSweetHome v0.8.3 - Multiworld player homes with Permissions/iConomy5 [766]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by netslug, Apr 16, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Download: [JAR] [ZIP] [Source]
    HomeSweetHome is an advanced player home plugin for CraftBukkit that aims at allowing the most customization possible to let server administrators have full control on how they want the plugin to function.

    Note: Version 0.8.3 has made some minor changes to the config.yml. You can compare your current one to the new one below:

    config.yml (open)

    # Set below to true if you do not have Permissions installed and you
    # want the command to be for OP use only.
    op-only: true

    # Set below to the amount of iConomy currency you want each command
    # to cost. Since HomeSweetHome is now using iConomy v5, you can set
    # this to a double value. For example, a value of 10.50 would equal
    # 10 dollars and 50 coins.
    ic-cost-home: 10.50
    ic-cost-homeset: 50

    # Set below to true if you would like to let your players set their
    # home by right-clicking on a bed.
    use-beds: true

    # Set below the number of seconds you with players to wait before
    # using the '/home set' command again. 10 is a safe number if you
    # use MySQL. This also applies to beds.
    delay-command: 10

    # Set below the number of seconds players must wait before being
    # teleported after using the /home command.
    delay-home: 3

    # You can change the default messages below. These messages support
    # following color codes:
    # `c - Red
    # `4 - Dark Red
    # `e - Yellow
    # `6 - Gold
    # `a - Green
    # `2 - Dark Green
    # `b - Aqua
    # `3 - Dark Aqua
    # `9 - Blue
    # `1 - Dark Blue
    # `d - Light Purple
    # `5 - Dark Purple
    # `0 - Black
    # `8 - Dark Gray
    # `7 - Gray
    # `f - White

    # Sent to the player when setting home.
    # You can use %world% to specify which world the home has been set in.
    msg-set: "`6Your home in '%world%' has been set to this location!"

    # Sent to the player if home hasn't been set yet.
    # You can use %world% to specify which world the home hasn't been set in.
    msg-notset: "`6Your home hasn't been set in '%world%' yet! Use `b/home set `6to fix that!"

    # Sent to the player if home is being set by right-clicking a bed.
    # You can use %world% to specify which world the bed was set home to.
    msg-bed: "`6Your home in '%world%' has been set to this bed!"

    # Sent to the player if you have set a delay on the home command greater than 0 seconds.
    # You can use %seconds% in the message to specify how many seconds it will take.
    msg-seconds: "`6You will be taken to your home in %seconds% seconds!"

    # Sent to the player if they failed any internal permissions check.
    msg-perm: "`cYou do not have permission to do that!"

    # Sent to the player if any subcommand is invalid.
    msg-invalid: "`cInvalid command!"

    # Send to the player if they try to use the command during their cooldown.
    msg-delay: "`cYou can't do that yet!"

    # Sent to the player if you are using iConomy and they cannot afford the command.
    msg-afford: "`cYou don't have that much money on hand!"

    # Sent to the player if you are using iConomy and currency is subtracted from their account.
    # Use %cost% inside the string to replace it with the number of coins.
    msg-cost: "`6%cost% has been removed from your holdings."

    Also, HomeSweetHome now utilizes iConomy v5! iConomy is not needed to use HomeSweetHome, but if you use iConomy please be sure to upgrade it to version 5 or you will get Java errors.

    Third-Party Plugin Support:
    • Multi-world support!
    • Permissions nodes that give you control over who gets to use the commands.
    • OP-only support if Permissions plugin is not found.
    • Saves player home location to an easy-to-modify text file.
    • Allow players to set home by right-clicking a bed.
    • Customizable messages that are sent to the player.
    • Delays that prevent griefers from constantly right-clicking on beds or typing /home set.
    • Delays to /home that make the player wait a specified amount of seconds before the plugin teleports them.
    • Basic iConomy support. Charge your players to use /home and /home set!
    • /home - Teleports you to your set home location in whichever world you are currently in.
    • /home <world> - Teleports you to your set home in <world>.
    • /home <set> - Sets your home to your current location in the current world.
    • homesweethome.home - Allows the use of the /home command.
    • homesweethome.home.set - Allows the use of the /homeset command.
    • homesweethome.home.bed - Allows players to set their home by right-clicking on a bed.
    Changelog (open)

    v0.8.3 (May 04, 2011)
    • Updated iConomy support for version 5. Anything under that version will no longer work. This encourages people to stay up to date with other plugins, and the fact that iConomy 5 is awesome.
    • Fixed a couple of instances where '%world%' in config.yml was not being replaced like it should have been.
    • Created a ServerListener class for supported plugins.
    v0.8.2 (May 01, 2011)
    • Added a new player notification that tells them how long it will be before they are teleported to the home.
    • Fixed the location that was set when right-clicking a bed. You will now be teleported on top of it.
    v0.8.1 (April 29, 2011)
    • Fixed a bug that caused player homes to be lost during a server restart.
    v0.8 (April 28, 2011)
    • Added multi-world support.
    • Rewrite the IO system to be much more effecient.
    • Fixed a ton of potential NPEs.
    • Removed MySQL support temporarily.
    • Fixed a color code error where the same code was being used twice.
    v0.7 (April 26, 2011)
    • Added delay functionality to /home command.
    • Added basic iConomy support.
    v0.6 (April 26, 2011)
    • Added command delays to prevent griefing.
    • Cleaned up the code and checked stability against RB 733.
    • Changed /homeset command to /home set.
    v0.5 (April 21, 2011)
    • Added customizable messages into config.yml.
    • Added an option to enable/disable the bed home feature in config.yml.
    v0.4 (April 20, 2011)
    • Added the ability (and permissions node) to allow players to set their home by clicking on a bed.
    • Changed permissions node for /home set from 'homesweethome.homeset' to 'homesweethome.home.set' for uniformity purposes.
    v0.3 (April 18, 2011)
    • Added MySQL support.
    v0.2 (April 18, 2011)
    • Replaced SnakeYAML with Bukkit's integrated Configuration class.
    • 'op-only' within the config.yml can now be used to set permissions to OP-only if Permissions is not found.
    • Changed deprecated player.teleportTo(loc) to player.teleport(loc).
    v0.1 (April 16, 2011)
    • Initial plugin release.

    Bugs (open)

    • No known problems with CraftBukkit [740] or third-party plugin support.
  2. Offline


    I would really like to see a feature that adds a time restriction on how often a player can warp. Much like a cooldown for the command.
  3. Offline


    I will definitely add that in with the next release!
    nmacholl likes this.
  4. Offline


    Why not just use essentials? im confused about the difference? Can someone please tell me advantages to using this?
  5. Offline


    A lot of people don't like using essentials. Also, one of the main advantages of using a plugin solely for the purpose of player homes is that more attention is given to adding more unique functionality centered around the purpose.
  6. Offline


    It is possible to make the homeset the respawn point for dead players? I would appreciate this feature.

    Thanks in advice for this plugin!

    ps: I can't see the download link for the v0.8. When i download the files i get the v0.7 instead.
  7. Offline


    Its 0.8, I just forgot to update that line in the plugin.yml. As far as your suggestion, its definitely something to consider. And your welcome.
  8. Offline


    Seems like home locations reset when the server restarts as if they aren't being saved. I've had my locations reset twice now.
  9. Offline


    That's strange. Are the locations for each world being written to the text files correctly? I'm looking over the code right now to try and see why that would be happening.

    Edit: I released 0.8.1 -- I tested it against server stops/starts and reloads with having a home in each world and didn't run into the problem.
  10. Offline


    So after seeing how someone abused this on my pvp server, it would be really nice to have something where there's a delay to actually set the home. How the guy was using it is if he was on fire, he would /home set really fast and since I have another mod called tombstone, he would just die, respawn right there with full health and grab his items.

    By making a delay before it sets the new home and making sure it checks whether you're alive will prevent him from abusing the privilege when he's about to die.
  11. Offline


    hi this might sound like a dumb question but can someone tell me how to have a multi world server?
  12. Offline


    Curious, this doesn't happen on my server. If you die, you respawn at the world respawn, not your home.
  13. Offline


    Look at a plugin called MultiVerse.

    This would only happen if there was another plugin that made you respawn at your home location and even if that existed it wouldn't know how to read from HomeSweetHome's home files. This feature does not currently exist but it is planned. You can set 'delay-command' to a very number if you wish people to use the command, say, every 5 minutes or so.
  14. Offline


    Question. How can I make it so that the /home set command costs money in one world, but is free in another?
  15. Offline


    You can't right now. That would have to be something I put in a later version.
  16. Offline


    Ah... you should do that... xD
    Or just a permissions node, like 'homesweethome.pay' that would make that group pay... and you could exempt all players on a specific world from it, therefore having it be free on that world.
  17. Offline


    Yeah I was probably going to do that with permissions but I am not big on dependencies, but also I dont want to change the way the files are handled again. We will see what happens.

    Updated to 0.8.2! Added a new feature that tells players (if there is a delay set on the /home command) how long it will take (in seconds) to teleport them. I have also added that message as a customizable setting in the config.yml so you will either need to backup your old one and let the plugin create the new one for you or copy and paste the below into your existing config.yml:

    # Sent to the player if you have set a delay on the home command greater than 0 seconds.
    # You can use %seconds% in the message to specify how many seconds it will take.
    msg-seconds: "You will be taken to your home in %seconds% seconds!"
    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  18. Offline


    Will this automatically warp them once the time is up or is it more like:
    "You cannot warp home yet; wait %seconds% seconds!"
  19. Offline


    It automatically warps them after the delay. Some server owners were complaining that they thought it was lag but they didn't pay attention to the delays in the config.yml. Was a quick addition.
  20. Offline



    will there be iConomy 5.0 support in the near future?
    Thanks for that great plugin ...
  21. Offline



    Ok guys, got a new update (0.8.3), here is what you need to do:

    If you are using iConomy, upgrade to v5. I took 'use-iconomy' out of the config.yml. To disable iConomy from now on, just set the costs to 0.

    Since iConomy is now using a dollars/coins type system, the %cost% variable formats it accordingly based on how iConomy does it, so setting ic-cost-home to 5.50 would be 5 dollars, 5 coins, and %cost% would be replaced with '5 Dollars'.
  22. You should fix that :}
  23. Offline


    Thanks :)
  24. Offline


    Bug Report:
    If you right-click on the same bed multiple times it charges you every time.
  25. Offline


    Yeah. I honestly can't find a way to fix that, since the right click is also tied to sleep. I might just take the cost of setting home from a bed away. Thanks for this though :)
    kahlilnc likes this.
  26. Offline


    Oh no we can just disable it our selves. Just put price to 0
  27. Offline


    Right, and I asked the guy who had the server and it was a different plugin that did the same thing. The problem was he would set it, die, and immediately respawn and type /home. Effectively doing the same thing.

    However, the delay did help. I just made it so you can only reset your home every 6 hours.
  28. Offline

    Aaron Flynn

    Would it be possible to add a feature that implements a delay after each use of /home?
    I like the idea of charging $ to teleport, but I'd also like to inhibit rich players from getting TP happy.. so limiting it to one use per hour or something like that, would be great.

    - If this is included, or planned, disregard me :p
  29. Offline


    Sorry it took so long to respond, I have been on vacation. Anyways, yeah I definitely have a lot more to do as far as delays are concerned and yours is one of them. Expect this functionality within the next release :)
  30. Offline


    my players home points keep moving about 3 blocks underground and killing them

    requesting the ability to add multiple home points like /set home [name] /home [world] [name] etc, and a permission node for the multiple points (those without the permission are restricted to 1 home point)

    a .nocharge permission so that players with that permission don't get charged for home or sethome would be nice too.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 13, 2016
  31. Offline


    Is there a way this can replace /sethome, but still have Essentials? Because all my members think it's /sethome, and they get the denied access message (Since I disabled it for them in permissions) and think I just dont have one.

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