[TP]Hiker v1.0- Climbing has never been easier[PERMISSIONS][1240]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Insomniacraft Dev, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. Hiker-Climbing has never been easier
    Version: v1.0
    This is a plugin that was created for our server and we thought we may as well release it. This plugin basically allows you to teleport to your cross hair when you right click(with the plugin enabled by doing a command),but has a price which is taking away half your food level so that you cant always be teleporting around.
    • Teleport to your crosshair by right clicking with a stick in your hand
    • takes away food levels so there is a cost for the free teleport
    • Permissions support(Default OP)


    Permissions & Nodes:
    This plugin requires a command in order for it to work. You need to disable and enable this plugin by doing a command /hiker.
    To do this you either must be op or have the permission node: Hiker.hike

    Installation and Usage:
    To install:
    1.Download the Hiker.jar file and place it in your plugins folder
    2.Run the server

    To use:
    1.Do /hiker to enable plugin(You will receive a message)
    2.Get a stick in your hand
    3.Right click on the block you want to be teleported to(must be in visible)
    4.Do /hiker again to disable the plugin and use your sticks normally.

    Version 0.1
    • Official release of the plugin
    To Do:

    • Add config file to configure what item teleports you
    • Custom messages?(maybe)

    • No bugs have yet been reported:D

    Give us feedback please also let us know what plugins you got in mind you might want us to make!


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 20, 2016
  2. Offline


    Lol, this is pretty cool :p
  3. Offline


    This plugin is awesome and when you using it on Insomnia Craft?
  4. Offline


    Please upgrade to latest RB
    Changelog last

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