[TP] GroupSpawn 1.4 - Different Spawns for Groups[Permissions] [1060]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Zero9195, Jun 7, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Part of the ZeroBox
    Set different Spawns​
    for different Groups.​
    Download Latest Version:
    For Permissions 3.x:
    For Permissions 2.7.x:
    Old Versions: -
    Requires Permissions 3.x or 2.7.x
    Permissions Nodes: (open)

    Set Spawn and teleport to any Spawn:
    For teleporting to own Spawn:
    For summoning:

    Features (open)

    Sets different Spawns for every Permission Group
    <...> = Needed Options
    [...] = Optional Options
    Set the Spawn for a Group
    /gs set <Group>
    Sets your current Location as Spawn for <Group>.
    Teleport to your Spawn
    /gs spawn or /gspawn
    Teleport to the Spawn of a Group
    /gs spawn <Group> or /gspawn <Group>
    Summon everyone of a group to the spawn
    /gs summon <Group>

    Upcoming Features (open)

    No new Features are Planed

    • v1.4
      • Added a new Command
    • v1.3
      • Bugfix
      • New command added: summon
    • v1.2
      • And again, bugfix ;)
    • v1.1
      • Critical bugfix, don't use 1.0.
    • v1.0
      • Initial Release for Public
    The ZeroBox Project
    I started the Project myself. I will create Plugins and will unite them all in this Package. As soon as I have more Plugins, you can download them all at once with this link (There is no link, I said later ;) ) Maybe you want to contribute to this Package, then just PM me.
  2. Offline


    Wow. I was thinking about checking this out until I read some of the abuse you deal your users. You should mature a little.
  3. Offline


    Does it work with RB935? :eek:
  4. Offline


    Sorry, had a bad day, but as coder I don't wanna see this type of user, which just post something complete useless in my Thread. And this has nothing to do with maturing, if someone has to mature a little, it's that kid which can't post at least a complete error.
    It should, don't have time to test right now :(
  5. Offline


    Why thank you for your Insults kind sir. I was just posting an error. I will keep using SpawnControl then, which actually works.
  6. Offline


    Yes, you posted an error. But noone can fix something if he don't get any information about what you did.
  7. Offline


    Im having problems with the plugin saying than my groups don't exist too.
  8. Offline


    Which version are you using? RB? I NEED IN FORMATION god damned...
  9. Offline


  10. Offline


    It says my groups don't exist either...but wait for it...I'm on 953 and I'm using the 3x permissions, which isn't guaranteed to be supported.
  11. Offline


    There is a special version for P3.x, I hope you loaded that one. I will take a look in that bugs later on.
    Blind? There are TWO download links ;)
  12. Offline


    @Zero9195 Oh gawd, I'm sorry. I thought the links were links to the permissions page.

    I was wondering if you could create a command/permissions node to tp everyone of the group to their spawn? (Something like "/summon <groupname>")? If there's already a plugin that does that, could you link me? I've search high and low but to no avail.

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  13. Offline


    No Problem ;) Thats a good Idea. I may code a bit today or tommorow. Its very hot today, can't really concentrate :D
  14. Offline


    @Zero9195 It's ok take your time, xD. You guys are pro, I struggle to learn Java and other OOPs, i'm a mere web-based programmer.
  15. Offline


    I think the problem is with Global Groups in Permissions 3.x. Do you check for the Global groups as well or just for the ones that are specific to that world? That could explain some of the "Group does not exist" errors.
  16. Offline


    First, thx for the tipp ;)
    I Check for the groups which exists in the world you are in. I should have mentioned that it is world specific... anyways, thats how it works. Also, if nobody tells me which permissions they are using I can't help you guys.
  17. Offline


    im using latest versions of this and permissions, and when i type "/gs spawn" nothing shows up on screen, but instead the console says: "[INFO] <GroupSpawn> Couldn't read Spawns.yml"
  18. Offline


    Did you set any Spawns? Else the command doesn't make any sense because it can't read a spawn which does not exist.

    I don't have any Problems teleporting back to my spawn. Make sure the Groups are written correctly (Case-Sensitive I think).
    I will implement @m0dulus awesome idea today, so wait for a new version!

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  19. Offline


    Alright, here we go:
    New Feature added. You can now summon all People from a group to their spawn in their actual world, not the world you are in. And of course, as always, bugfixes :D
    Idea for the new summoning feature was by @m0dulus
    m0dulus likes this.
  20. Offline


    You updated but what about testing it with 953, I do not really want to stop my server for something that didnt work out for me the last time, so please someone test this out.
  21. Offline


    Awesomeness! Thanks @Zero9195!
  22. Offline


    The only thing that might not work is the summoning. I didn't changed anything with the others except the bugfix.
    Thank you :D
  23. Offline


    Tested with CB953, summoning worked perfectly.
  24. Offline


    Sweet plugin, and it works fine with 953! :) just one thing, is there any way you could change the /gs spawn command to just simply /spawn? Alterenative, if you would like to share the source, github or so?
  25. Offline


    I didn't want to steal the dommand from other plugins, so I used this. Sorrry :(
  26. Offline

    Nick Fiering

    nice plugin . i used herospawn before but it was only a 1 time spawn. i really like this. can you make it so that people allways respawn when they login?
  27. Offline


    Aww, and no source then either I suspect? :( It's just really hard to change a so basic command on a pretty big server.. :/

    I dont think so. If i'm right this is only if you want to set custom spawn points based on peoples rank. So as i would like it, defaults at one spawnpoint, and all others to spawn at another point.. ;)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2016
  28. Offline


    I've set spawns for all my groups.
  29. Offline


    I just remembered a new function of bukkit. You can set your own commands, for example if you write "/spawn" it should do "/gs spawn", but I don't know how to do it. Sorry
    Are they all correctly written? Oh, and take a look into the spawns file. If there is something written like "CraftWorld{world}" delete the CraftWorld ad brackets. Else I don't know what to do, maybe delete the file and set the spawns again.
  30. Offline


    I've tested it and tried add the following 2 without any success:
    spawn1: [gs spawn]
    spawn: [gs_spawn]

    Anyway I did thois wrong? Otherwize could'nt you make in the config where you can choose what command you want the spawn-cmd to be. Then you could change it whatever you want.
    Or just if it's not any hard, change so that the default spawn-cmd is /spawn, and upload as an alterenative version for those who would prefer that.. ? :) :p
  31. Offline


    As you wished, I added a new Command. Now you can use /gspawn instead of /gs spawn. Thx for suggesting that :D

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