[towny] cannot build in wild

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FPSalpha, Feb 26, 2012.

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    I have had no luck after playing around with this for 2 staright days. This is my first post and I reall need help. I am new to yml files and know thaey are picky about tabs and spaces.

    I have the latest version of towny and i use essintialsgroupmanager for my permissions...
    Here is my group.yml file located in the .jar of essentialgroup,manager

    # Group inheritance
    # any inherited groups prefixed with a g: are global groups
    # These groups are defined in the globalgroups.yml
    # and can be inherited in any worlds groups/users.yml.
    # Groups without the g: prefix are groups local to this world
    # and defined in the this groups.yml file.

    default: true
    - -bukkit.command.kill
    - g:essentials_default
    - g:bukkit_default
    prefix: '&f'
    build: false
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    - towny.wild.build
    - towny.wild.destroy
    - towny.wild.switch
    - towny.wild.item_use
    - default
    - g:essentials_builder
    - g:towny_moderator
    prefix: '&a'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    permissions: []
    - User
    - Member
    - g:essentials_moderator
    - g:bukkit_moderator
    - g:towny_moderator
    prefix: '&b'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    - 'com.hamaluik.SimpleRestart.SimpleRestart'
    - moderator
    - g:essentials_admin
    - g:bukkit_admin
    - g:towny_admin
    prefix: '&d'
    build: true
    suffix: ''
    default: false
    - '*'

    prefix: '&5'
    build: true
    suffix: ''

    Here is the towny plugin.yml

    name: Towny
    main: ca.xshade.bukkit.towny.Towny
    version: 0.72.1
    language: english.yml
    last_run_version: 0.72.1
    author: Shade, Modified by FuzzeWuzze. Forked by ElgarL
    website: http://code.google.com/a/eclipselabs.org/p/towny/
    description: >
    Resident-Town-Nation heirarchy combined with a grid based
    protection system. Including a war event.

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Towny commands | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    aliases: []
    aliases: [n, nat]
    aliases: [nc]
    aliases: [tc]
    aliases: []
    aliases: [res, p, player]
    aliases: [t]
    aliases: [ta]
    aliases: [tw]

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Permissions | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # Possible permission nodes
    # towny.admin: User is able to use /townyadmin, as well as the ability to build/destroy anywhere. User is also able to make towns or nations when set to admin only.
    # towny.town.new :User is able to create a town
    # towny.town.claim : User is able to expand his town with /town claim
    # towny.nation.new :User is able to create a nation
    # towny.wild.*: User is able to build/destroy in wild regardless.
    # towny.wild.build
    # towny.wild.destroy
    # towny.wild.switch
    # towny.wild.item_use
    # towny.wild.block.[block id].* : User is able to edit [block id] in the wild.
    # towny.spawntp :Use /town spawn
    # towny.publicspawntp : Use "/town spawn [town]" (teleport to other towns)

    # these will be moved to permissions nodes at a later date

    # Allow towns to claim outposts (a townblock not connected to town).
    allow_outposts: true
    allow_resident_plots: true

    # all the use of /town spawn
    allow_town_spawn: true
    # Allow regular residents to use /town spawn [town] (TP to other towns).
    allow_town_spawn_travel: false
    # Respawn the player at his town spawn point when he/she dies.
    town_respawn: false

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | default Town levels | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # numResidents,namePrefix,namePostfix,mayorPrefix,mayorPostfix,townBlockLimit

    - '0,, Ruin,Spirit ,,1'
    - '1,, (Settlement),,,16'
    - '2,, (Hamlet),Chief ,,32'
    - '6,, (Village),Baron Von ,,96'
    - '10,, (Town),Viscount ,,160'
    - '14,, (Large Town),Count Von ,,224'
    - '20,, (City),Earl ,,320'
    - '24,, (Large City),Duke ,,384'
    - '28,, (Metropolis),Lord ,,448'

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | default Nation levels | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # numResidents,namePrefix,namePostfix,capitalPrefix,capitalPostfix,kingPrefix,kingPostfix

    - '0,Lands of , (Nation),,,Leader ,'
    - '10,Federation of , (Nation),,,Count ,'
    - '20,Dominion of , (Nation),,,Duke ,'
    - '30,Kingdom of , (Nation),,,King ,'
    - '40,The , Empire,,,Emperor ,'
    - '60,The , Realm,,,God Emperor ,'

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Town Claim/new defaults | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # used to limit a town size if the level config files are empty
    default_max_town_blocks: 64
    # maximum number of plots any single resident can own
    max_plots_per_resident: 100
    # Maximum number of towns allowed on the server.
    town_limit: 3000

    # Minimum number of plots any towns home plot must be from the next town.
    # This will prevent someone founding a town right on your doorstep
    min_distance_from_town_homeblock: 5

    # The maximum townblocks available to a town is (numResidents * ratio).
    # Setting this value to 0 will instead use the level based jump values determined in the town level config.
    town_block_ratio: 16
    # The size of the square grid cell. Changing this value is suggested only when you first install Towny.
    # Doing so after entering data will shift things unwantedly. Using smaller value will allow higher precision,
    # at the cost of more work setting up. Also, extremely small values will render the caching done useless.
    # Each cell is (town_block_size * town_block_size * 128) in size, with 128 being from bedrock to clouds.
    town_block_size: 16

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Global town settings | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # force_pvp_on is a global flag and overrides any towns flag setting
    force_pvp_on: false
    # can residents/Allies harm other residents when in a town with pvp enabled?
    friendly_fire: true
    # Players within their town or allied towns will regenerate half a heart after every health_regen_speed milliseconds.
    health_regen: true
    health_regen_speed: 3000

    # Enables taxes to be collected daily by town/nation
    # If a town can't pay it's tax then it is kicked from the nation.
    # if a resident can't pay his plot tax he loses his plot.
    # if a resident can't pay his town tax then he is kicked from the town.
    daily_taxes: false

    nation_creation_admin_only: false
    town_creation_admin_only: false

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Plugin interfacing | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    using_essentials: true
    using_iconomy: true
    using_permissions: true
    using_questioner: true

    database_load: flatfile
    database_save: flatfile
    daily_backups: true
    flatfile_backup: zip

    # The time taken between each "day". At the start of each day, taxes will be collected.
    # Judged in milliseconds. Default is 24 hours.
    day_interval: 86400000

    # Lots of messages to tell you what's going on in the server with time taken for events.
    debug_mode: false

    # Spams the player named in dev_name with all messages related to towny.
    dev_mode: false
    dev_name: Shadeness

    logging: true

    name_check_regex: '^[a-zA-Z0-9]+[a-zA-Z0-9._-]*$'
    name_filter_regex: '[ /]'
    name_remove_regex: '[^a-zA-Z0-9._-]'

    npc_prefix: 'NPC'

    pve_in_non_pvp_towns: true
    reset_log_on_boot: true

    # Enables the [~Home] message.
    # If false it will make it harder for enemies to find the home block during a war
    show_town_notifications: true

    # The name of the town a resident will automatically join when he first registers.
    default_town_name: ''

    # Skin regular chat with a player's towny prefix, postfix, and colour.
    modify_chat_name: true

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | block/item/mob protection | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # Items that can be blocked within towns via town/plot flags
    # 259 - flint and steel
    # 325 - bucket
    # 326 - water bucket
    # 327 - lava bucket
    # 351 - bone/bonemeal
    # 93/94 - redstone repeater
    item_use_ids: 259,325,326,327,351

    # Items which can be blocked or enabled via town/plot flags
    # 64 - wooden door
    # 69 - lever
    # 70 - stone pressure plate
    # 71 - iron door
    # 72 - wooden pressure plate
    # 77 - stone button
    # 96 - trap door
    # 25 - noteblock
    # 84 - jukebox
    switch_ids: 64,69,70,71,72,77,96,25,84,93,94

    # permitted entities http://jd.bukkit.org/apidocs/org/bukkit/entity/package-summary.html
    # Animals, Chicken, Cow, Creature, Creeper, Flying, Ghast, Giant, Monster, Pig,
    # PigZombie, Sheep, Skeleton, Slime, Spider, Squid, WaterMob, Wolf, Zombie

    # Remove living entities within a town's boundaries, if the town has the mob removal flag set.
    mob_removal_town: false
    town_mob_removal_entities: Monster,WaterMob,Flying,Slime

    # Globally remove living entities in all worlds.
    mob_removal_world: false
    world_mob_removal_entities: WaterMob,Flying,Slime

    # The maximum amount of time a mob could be inside a town's boundaries before being sent to the void.
    # Lower values will check all entities more often at the risk of heavier burden and resource use.
    # NEVER set below 1000 (guestimate)
    mob_removal_speed: 5000

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Unclaimed plot settings | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #


    unclaimed_zone_build: true
    unclaimed_zone_destroy: true
    unclaimed_zone_item_use: true
    unclaimed_zone_switch: true
    unclaimed_zone_ignore: 6,14,15,16,17,18,21,31,37,38,39,40,50,56,65,66,73,74,81,82,83,86,89

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Default Town/Plot flags | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # Default permission flags for towns
    # These are copied into the town data file at creation


    # Can allies/outsiders/residents perform certain actions in the town

    # build - place blocks and other items
    # destroy - break blocks and other items
    # itemuse - use items such as flint and steel or buckets (as defined in item_use_ids)
    # switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids)
    default_town_perm_ally_build: false
    default_town_perm_ally_destroy: false
    default_town_perm_ally_itemuse: false
    default_town_perm_ally_switch: false
    default_town_perm_outsider_build: false
    default_town_perm_outsider_destroy: false
    default_town_perm_outsider_itemuse: false
    default_town_perm_outsider_switch: false
    default_town_perm_resident_build: true
    default_town_perm_resident_destroy: true
    default_town_perm_resident_itemuse: true
    default_town_perm_resident_switch: true

    # Default permission flags for residents plots within a town

    # Can allies/friends/outsiders perform certain actions in the town

    # build - place blocks and other items
    # destroy - break blocks and other items
    # itemuse - use items such as furnaces (as defined in item_use_ids)
    # switch - trigger or activate switches (as defined in switch_ids)
    default_resident_perm_ally_build: false
    default_resident_perm_ally_destroy: false
    default_resident_perm_ally_itemuse: false
    default_resident_perm_ally_switch: false
    default_resident_perm_friend_build: true
    default_resident_perm_friend_destroy: true
    default_resident_perm_friend_itemuse: true
    default_resident_perm_friend_switch: true
    default_resident_perm_outsider_build: false
    default_resident_perm_outsider_destroy: false
    default_resident_perm_outsider_itemuse: false
    default_resident_perm_outsider_switch: false

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Resident settings | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    # player is flagged as inactive after 1 hour (default)
    inactive_after_time: 86400000

    # if enabled old residents will be kicked and deleted from a town
    # after Two months (default) of not logging in
    delete_old_residents: false
    deleted_after_time: 5184000000

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Economy settings | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #


    # Cost to use /town spawn [town]
    price_town_spawn_travel: 0

    price_death: 10.0
    price_death_wartime: 200.0

    # The daily upkeep to remain neutral during a war. Neutrality will exclude you from a war event, as well as deterring enemies.
    price_nation_neutrality: 100.0

    # How much it costs to start a nation.
    price_new_nation: 1000.0
    # How much it costs to start a town.
    price_new_town: 0
    # How much it costs to make an outpost. An outpost isn't limited to being on the edge of town.
    price_outpost: 1

    # The price for a town to expand one townblock.
    price_claim_townblock: 2

    # The server's daily charge on each nation. If a nation fails to pay this upkeep
    # all of it's member town are kicked and the Nation is removed.
    price_nation_upkeep: 100.0

    # The server's daily charge on each town. If a town fails to pay this upkeep
    # all of it's residents are kicked and the town is removed.
    price_town_upkeep: 0

    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #
    # | Wartime settings | #
    # +------------------------------------------------------+ #

    #This setting allows you disable the ability for a nation to pay to remain neutral during a war.
    wartime_nation_can_be_neutral: true
    wartime_base_spoils: 100.0
    wartime_home_block_hp: 120
    wartime_min_height: 60
    wartime_points_kill: 1
    wartime_points_nation: 100
    wartime_points_town: 10
    wartime_points_townblock: 1
    wartime_remove_on_monarch_death: false
    wartime_town_block_hp: 60
    wartime_town_block_loss_price: 100.0
    wartime_warning_delay: 30
    Could it be that its not actually neither of those files? Thanks and please help me!
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