tools - armor upgrade (enchantment keep)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by kentlivar, Jan 6, 2017.

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    Plugin category: Usefull

    Minecraft version: 1.11.2

    Suggested name: ToolArmorUPGRADE

    What I want: Wooden pickaxe to stone and so one, same goes by armor. but i want it to keep the enchantments that are on the tools as well (it upgrades by breaking when the tool or armor break it gets upgraded with the enchantments still on it example: iron armor with prot 4 would be diamond armor with prot 4)

    Ideas for commands: /tau reload /tau toggle.

    Ideas for permissions: tau.allow (allows the user to have this).

    When I'd like it by: ASAP.
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    @DinosaurKappa armor to next armor, tool to next tool example : wooden pickaxe to stone pickaxe
    leather armor to chain armor and so on but if the tools or armor have enchantments the enchantments should still stay,
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    I don't understand. Do you mean, for example, when a wooden pickaxe breaks, you are given a stone one, so on so forth?
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2017
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  7. That seems silly why not something when you mine certain blocks it gives xp to the item and levels up and each 5 lvl s a enchant gets added
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    @TheRealBlackMagic bcuz its what i want
    i want the thing i want the way i want dont try to use my post for something you want, go and make ur own post
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