[TOOL/ADMIN] Bukkit Server GUI v1.1.4544 - A (.NET) GUI for the Bukkit Server

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by Kanshunin, Jul 20, 2011.

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  1. Offline


    @Kanshunin die Datei is im Programmverzeichnis, und der fehler tritt auf sobald ich entweder den java oder bukkit pfad im optionsfenster angebe.
  2. Offline


    -Tritt der Fehler direkt nach dem bestätigen des Auswahldialogs auf, oder nachdem du in den Optionen auf OK geklickt hast?.

    -Wenn der Fehler erst nach dem klicken auf OK auftritt, dauert es dann ein paar Sekunden bis er auftritt, oder kommt dieser sofort?

    -Sind alle benötigten Verzeichnisse und Dateien in deinem Bukkit Server vorhanden?
    -Hast du die aktuellste Bukkit version? (recommended version).
    -Hast du die aktuelle version meiner GUI ? :)

    Ich suche heute Abend mal genauer, und bringe direkt eine neue Version heraus wenn ich etwas finde.

    For the english people here to follow this error:

    The file is in the program folder, and the error pops up if i select the bukkit or java path.


    -Does the error pop up if you confirm the folder/file dialog, or just after clicking the OK button on the options form?

    -If the error occours when you click on the ok button on the options form, does the error comes up a few seconds later, or right after the clicking?

    -Are all needed files/folders in your bukkit server available?
    -Do you have the newest bukkit version (recommended version)?
    -Do you have the newest version of my gui?

    Im looking into it deeper tonight, and if i got something, i will release a new version.
  3. Offline


    Hi, i am pretty sure that since updating my server from 1000 to 1060 that the names of people who log on my server do not show up blue now and stay like they are offline even though they are on. Because of this i cannot kick players, op them etc... so If you could fix it it would be appreciated.
    Otherwise it is fine for me - thanks!
  4. Offline


    Alle Verzeichnisse im Bukkit Ordner: Check
    Aktuelle Version: Check
    Aktuelle GUI Version: Check

    Und der Fehler tritt ein bis zwei Sekunden nachdem ich den Auswahldialog bestätigt hab auf.

    Ich werd mir mal alles nochmal neu laden und testen.
  5. Offline


    @slater96 i have tested the gui with 1060, but couldnt find an error. Wehn i log in to mc my playername is being displayed online, and will be displayed offline if i logout. Do you have the bsgui-plugin activated?

    Der Fehler ist wirklich merkwürdig, ich würde aber fast sagen es hängt mit dem Einlesen der Plugins zusammen, da der Fehler mit der FastZip zu tun hat. Ich habe jetzt ein paar Fixes eingebaut, und hoffe dass es läuft. Wenn dir noch etwas auffällt sag bescheid :)
    The error is very curious, but i would say its related to the read-in of the plugins, because the error depends on FastZip. I have added some fixes to FastZip, and hope that you dont have any problems anymore.. if so, then please tell me.
  6. Offline


    Yeah it is activated. I will put on all the files again and see if that helps.
  7. Offline


    @Kanshunin Schaun wa mal, hoffentlich klappt alles, hatte gestern keine zeit mehr noch weiter zu testen.
  8. Offline


    Ich bin froh dass überhaupt jemand testet :) sag bescheid falls sich was ergibt.
  9. Offline


    ok hab getested und alles läuft wunderbar XD dat GUI werd ich weiter nutzen =3
  10. Offline


    German? Wut? xD
  11. Offline


    :) sorry.. in gerneral im translating all posts that may be important to the public.
  12. Offline


    Suggestion: Crash detection! It's the only reason I'm not using this beautifully crafted GUI. Great job :)
  13. Offline


    Hey guys, excellent tool and i use this on my sever. Only thing i have noticed is that in the players section it shows all these random names who are not playing. How can i remove this list and only show online players?


    Otherwise excellent tool.

    Cheers :)

    Attached Files:

  14. Offline


    :) .. thx, but could you be more specific with the crash detecion... I could set some options to restart/stop/reload ... the server if an error occours. if you want that as a feature.

    Will be available in the next version :)

    currently im checking the op/deop functions of the contextmenu for the players, wich seems to make trouble for some users.
  15. Offline


    New version in online now, i hope that the new webserver class doesnt produce any errors, if so.. then please tell me immediately. For (version changes see page one :) ) . Im also still missing a web developer who is willing to write a better webinterface... anyone?
  16. Offline

    The Luckiest

    This is really great! My only complaint is that for some reason, I cannot see when players are online or not:

    What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance! :)
  17. Offline


    hm, i will check this when i get home. BTW, do you have the BS-GUI Plugin activated? .. it should work without the plugin, but maybe this is a temporarily solution for you.
  18. Offline


    Love this plugin! Incredibly hard to find a good gui WITH good backup
  19. Offline


    This is an international forum, please use english.
  20. Offline


    Well.. Thanks for that :)

    @Jorin Spiller
    As i know you can use the option you are already using. The GUI itself has a standard value (-Xincgc -Xmx1G) that uses 1 Gig too.

    It should work, but in case of an incorrect string, i have added a Textbox in the options form to preview the commandline that will be executed.

    New version is available now.
  21. Offline


    Uhm I think something went wrong when you compiled your new version, because I can't start it by using the x64 exe and my win version is 64bit.

    It just says the standard message: "This version of the file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Contact the software publisher."

    I hope you can fix it soon XD

    PS: Werd von jetzt an nur noch in Englisch schreiben, ausser in PMs, damit die anderen User auch wissen was los ist.
  22. Offline


    Sorry, i have tested it and get the same error on my x64 system. I will compile the newest version and upload it when i get home tonight.

    alles klar. :)

    • The new version will have a new "check for updates" checkbox, if this is activated, the gui will look automaticly if a new version for GUI/Plugin/Webserver is available. But there is no auto downloader yet. It just informs the user.
    • I also have checked the onlinestatus without the BS-GUI plugin, and couldnt locate any errors within displaying the userlist for online players. If anyone has still problems with that, please describe when the error occours .. how many players are online at this time.. and so on.. so i can simulate the error.

    New version online and working.

    x86 & x64. as everytime.. please inform me on errors :)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2016
  23. Offline


    Hay ... ich habe da ein winziges Problem mit dem Bukkit GUI..
    1. der neue Download ist ein kaputtes Archiv und lässt sich nicht entpacken...
    2. Wenn ich den server starten will (per 86x) auf meinem 64-bit system kommt :
    Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\ich\Desktop\BUKKIT\server\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui
    und der server startet natürlich nicht ... Administrator ausführung oder verschidene einstellungen haben scheinbar keinen einfluss auf das problem ... aber das programm erkennt die Servereinstellungen, die spieler usw... also stimmt der pfad ...
    ich weiß auch nicht ob es damit zusammenhängt aber wenn ich die Pfade für Java und Bukkit auswähle scheint etwas vertauscht zu sein, denn der Bukkit pfad öffnet voreingestellt den standart pfad von java und java wiederum öffnet meinen zuletzt verwendeten Pfad als standart.

    kann natürlich einfach nur verdreht sein ohne wirkliche auswirkungen...
    Bukkit versionen: neustes dev build und recommend beide gleicher fehler.


    Error occured:
    "Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\ich\Desktop\BUKKIT\server\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui"
    at the 86x version
    -run as administrator doesnt fix this.
    -changing some settings doesnt fix this too.
    every thing else is just explaining the problem a little better :)
  24. Offline


    Lade dir nochmal die neuste version, habe den fehler gefixt und die rar sollte jetzt auch zu laden sein, hatte er per ascii und nicht per binary hochgeladen, desshalb der Fehler mit der Rar Datei.

    The error "Unable to access jarfile C:\Users\ich\Desktop\BUKKIT\server\craftbukkit-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar nogui" was solved, and also the error that the rar file cant be opened, new version should work now, im testing it on my own server now. But if you have any further probs, please tell me immediately

    Oh, and.. thanks for this details description.. but please... next time in english :) so the other users can read your entries too :)
  25. Offline


    Next Problems occurs:
    1. bug!
    i normally start the server with: -Xincgc -Xmx3072M
    so i tried this in the Custom strings and the error:
    "29.09.2011 23:33:28 SEVERE: 'X' is not a recognized option" appeared
    --> runnign in "-Xmx3G -Xms3G" did fix this.

    2. bug?
    if no player is on the server always there pops up a "0 players online." message that really sucks, if u want to read in the log...

    3. advice
    There should be a "clear" option for the log.

    4. bug!
    I cant enable the "download dev build" option after i enabled the update option - it just stays grey...

    5. advice
    There is no way to resize the log window, isnt it? i would like have a bigger one or an option to resize it.

    6. advice
    uhm is there a way to run in portable mode? cause i often use a different pc so the Device is not always C:\**\..blah
    and %cd% in path doesnt work .... so is there a place, where i can put my server, so it will automatic get it, and i dont have to change path every time?

    ps ich bin ein trottel ich hab die x86 ausgeführt und mich gewundert warum ers im kopatibilitätsmodus für 32 bit ausführt xD
  26. Offline


    WOW... Thank you :) for this detailed list of bugs and features, this really helps me to make my tool better.

    1. I will investigate in this.
    2.Could you print the exact message (if theres a ">" at the start or something).. and.. is this message provided by the log?
    3.clear option will be available in the next version :)
    4.Thats odd, it works in my enviroment, ill check this on my test mashine later.
    5.No, resizing isnt provided.. i could make an external log view, but i dont know if this is gonna break style ... ill try something out the next days.
    6.Currently im searching for the problem that the config files cant be read when a new version of the gui is deployed. its because of the serialization of the option variables. Im on it. And i already tought about a portable version. But thanks for the reminder.

    Ja, bei dem ganzen x86-x64 kram komme ich auch öfters durcheinander ;)
  27. Offline


    Redownload changed some problems:

    Bug 1. (solved)
    after redownload an reconfigure it worked fine with "-Xincgc -Xmx3G"
    dont know where the problem was ...

    2. Log problems & advice
    *1* bug
    "30.09.2011 08:57:35 [INFO] 0 players are online.
    30.09.2011 08:57:46 [INFO] 0 players are online.
    30.09.2011 08:57:56 [INFO] 0 players are online.
    30.09.2011 08:58:07 [INFO] 0 players are online.
    30.09.2011 08:58:17 [INFO] 0 players are online."​
    appears every 10,x sec.​
    and its also there if players are online:​
    "30.09.2011 09:04:53 [INFO] Online (1/20):
    30.09.2011 09:04:53 [INFO] Surviver: Inflamedsebi
    30.09.2011 09:05:04 [INFO] Online (1/20):
    30.09.2011 09:05:04 [INFO] Surviver: Inflamedsebi
    30.09.2011 09:05:14 [INFO] Online (1/20):
    30.09.2011 09:05:14 [INFO] Surviver: Inflamedsebi"​
    *2* bug
    the "autoscroll" function is buggy it doesnt disable autoscroll just make it scroll up (everytime a message appears) instead of scroll down xD​
    *3* advice
    maybe u can color the log... so all [info] are green [warnings] yellow and [errors] red .. chat can stay black or blue. So u can easyly see if all is ok :)
    *4* bug
    if an error occours like:​
    "30.09.2011 09:33:23 [WARNING] Task of 'Backup' generated an exception" (my backup plugin) only this line is shown in the warnings log .... but the full warning should be:​
    "30.09.2011 09:33:23 [WARNING] Task of 'Backup' generated an exception
    30.09.2011 09:33:23 java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender.<init>(Lorg/bukkit/Server;)V from class threading.PrepareBackupTask
    30.09.2011 09:33:23 at threading.PrepareBackupTask.prepareBackup(PrepareBackupTask.java:77)
    30.09.2011 09:33:23 at threading.PrepareBackupTask.run(PrepareBackupTask.java:62)
    30.09.2011 09:33:23 at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainThreadHeartbeat(CraftScheduler.java:137)
    30.09.2011 09:33:23 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServer.java:441)
    30.09.2011 09:33:23 at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:374)
    30.09.2011 09:33:23 at net.minecraft.server.ThreadServerApplication.run(SourceFile:417)"​
    but this is just shown in the all log ... maybe a way to fix this?​
    *5* advice/bug?
    commands used by players are not shown... maybe u add a new tab with commands?​

    3. settings
    *1* bug
    the "download dev build" option still stays grey..​
    i dont know how to open the config.dat ... notepad cant get all infos so i can change them directly in the file ... can u save the config in an other format?maybe a yaml or an other simple textfile? (.settings .txt)​
    somebody already mentioned it i think ...​
    Players are not shown as online, if the are. (still dont work)​
    *3* (solved?)
    Plugins aren't shown as active or not .. uhm now it worked and i dont know why. maybe because i enabled the "extension plugin"?​
    the "Whats this?" for the "extension plugin" doesnt make anything xD and i still dont get what its doing ... xD​

    BTW: it is minimize itself in tray ... AWESOME xD
  28. Offline


    De gui looks great!!:) But I got a bug.

    * Every 10 sec. i get the message how many people are online
    * I can't see the players how are online in the "Players" column
    * The plugins are detected normal..

    I run it on a Windows2008 R2 server.
  29. Offline


    InflamedSebi already posted this issues, and im on it. Could you tell me wich version of Bukkit you are using? because the player online status seems to be a bukkit console output paring problem :)

    @InflamedSebi Thanks for the reply.. and im sorry, that my answer comes this late, but i had a lot to do this weekend.. but im on it.. the messagelog is already colored.
  30. Offline


    Looking good, Im trying this now over dumptruckman's as he aint updated or responded in a while. I think this one has multiple backups ?. I was hopeing to run full backup at end of week but during week just backup plugin and world folders.

    Whats the cpu usage like ?
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