Filled TogglePvP

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by NoobyServerOwner, Mar 1, 2015.

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  1. Plugin category: PvP

    Suggested name: TogglePvP

    What I want: I would like to see a plugin for creative servers which will allow players to toggle their gamemode as well as their inventory, with one command.
    Basically once you type a certain command, you get put in gamemode survival and armor, sword, bow, etc. are put into your inventory and armor slots, which could be configured in the config.

    Ideas for commands: /pvp on - switches inventory to armor and weapons, and give player survival mode.
    /pvp off - switches from pvp inventory back to creative inventory
    /pvp reload - reloads the config.

    Ideas for permissions: togglepvp.on - /pvp on - /pvp off
    togglepvp.reload - /pvp reload

    Ideas for config:
    #This changes the kit that players use to pvp
          - IRON_HELMET {[name:PvPHelmet][enchantments:{protection:3}{projectile_protection:3}]}:1
          - IRON_CHESTPLATE {[name:PvPChestplate][enchantments:{protection:3}{projectile_protection:3}]}:1
          - IRON_LEGGINGS {[name:PvPLeggings][enchantments:{protection:3}{projectile_protection:3}]}:1
          - IRON_BOOTS {[name:PvPBoots][enchantments:{protection:3}{projectile_protection:3}]}:1
          - DIAMOND_SWORD {[name:PvPSword][enchantments:{sharpness:3}{knockback:2}]}:1
          - BOW {[name:PvPBow][enchantments:{punch:3}{power:3}]}:!
          - ARROW {[name:PvPArrow]}:30
          - GOLDEN_APPLES {[name:PvPGapple]}:3
          - STEAK {[name:PvPFood]}:10

    When I'd like it by:
    Anytime possible :D.
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    I still do that :p I was simply sleeping.

    My Plugin CommandOverride would be able to do this. Link is in my Signature.
    If you want the Armor to be automatically put on, ask @timtower . He has a Plugin for that.

    - 'console:/gamemode s <player>'
    - 'console:/clear <player>'
    - 'console:/give <player> iron_helmet 1'
    etc... and the opposite for /pvpoff
    And then just use timtower's Plugin to make the armor be automatically put on upon executing that command.
    Regablith likes this.
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    No problem, please mark this as Filled then.
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