Toggle Color

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by BappleCraftColt, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. Offline


    Hello,as a server owner with a bunch of little kids who like to spam me..
    I was wondering if a 1.6.2 plugin could be made something along these lines
    We all know the minecraft color codes
    I Would like there to be a command to toggle what chat color you are using for example
    i would type
    If i wanted my default chat color to be dark blue
    it would be just like changing my pex suffix
    but with a command.
    i also would like it to support the format codes
    &k and all that
    and go toggether like a suffix would
    &4&n&l would be a dark red underlined bold text.
    i'm using MChat and PermissionsEx atm.
    Hope this can be done.
    and for permissions thats all up to the coder...
    i will go with it xD.
    commands will be /tc And then the number/letter (0-f)
  2. Offline


    BappleCraftColt If you are using PermissionsEX, you can put the color codes into the Prefixes of the groups or users like this:

    1. prefix: '&9 '

    Look here for your color codes:

    This is how i color code my users and groups

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