TNTPrimed turns invisible to client. Client shows it as exploding.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by libraryaddict, Nov 8, 2012.

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     primedTnt = (TNTPrimed) woolLocation.getWorld().spawnEntity(location, EntityType.PRIMED_TNT);
    This should spawn in TNTPrimed and make it wait 60 seconds before exploding right?

    Well it does.

    However.. The client wants to be contrary.
    The client frankly ignores the fact the tnt has NOT exploded and shows it exploding and disappearing..
    The client is acting as if I never set the fuse length.
    And regardless of the fact it hasn't exploded it shows the explosion animation.

    60 seconds later the tnt explodes for real and this time you get the sound! And the explosion itself! But no tnt animation as it has already played..

    Anyone have a answer?
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    wait the time of the fuse and use world.createExplosion(Location l, float power, boolean setFire);
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