Filled TNT defuser

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by EvilGooD, Nov 2, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Admin tools

    Suggested name: TNTDefuser

    What I want: I need a plugin that when you right click on a TNT it's deactivated, no explode and disappear, and in chat appears "You defused TNT" in red.

    Ideas for commands: /tnt -defuse (when you put this command you would receive a shears with the name of "TNT Defuse" in the inventory)

    Ideas for permissions: tntdefuse.defuse (to defuse the tnt)
    tntdefuse.shears (permission to use the /tnt -defuse command and get the shears)
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    EvilGooD Wait, so do you want to be able to right click the TNT with your hand and defuse it or with the shears?
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    Not clear enough? Just saying maybe u should read better :p

    EvilGooD likes this.
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    JordyPwner Oh XD, sorry while I was reading it I was petting my cat.
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    :p its fine xd
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    Are you going to do this? Need something to do in my spare time.
    If not, let me know and I'll most likely take it (if somebody else hasn't started already)
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    Hawktasard Yes, you can take it, I don't have time today.
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    Making this right now, Should be finished pretty soon.
    Edit: Want it to work with any shears? Or just the named ones?
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    Gerov With the shears
    Hawktasard With any shears, but if you type /tnt -defuse you receive a shears named
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    Okay, I'm pretty sure this is finished.
    What website should I upload it to?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Dropbox, mediafire, any other file sharing methods.
    Just don't use things to make money or url shortners
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    Click <Edit by Moderator: Redacted mediafire url>

    Edit: If you find anything you want edited, Or some bugs just tag me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 31, 2016
    EvilGooD likes this.
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    No problem, Glad to help.
    EvilGooD likes this.
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