Plugin category: Admin Tools Suggested name: TimedPermissions What I want: I want a plugin when I do a certain command I can remove a permission from someone for how ever long I put in the command Ideas for commands: /TimedPermissions remove {Name} {ThePermission} {TimeMINUTES} Ideas for permissions: TimedPermissions.use When I'd like it by: 1 week @N3rdFall I don't use pex even if it does EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Kind of rude, as he says he does not use PEX. I personally don't use it either and if I wanted a feature this is where I would go to ask. No need to be a dick about it though. As there is no plugin that has the specific feature needed aside from the actual permissions plugin, I will make this for you. So now CreepersControlU when you say we're not going to make you a plugin that is already made. It is not, and speak for yourself.
I think it would be easier making a diffrent plugin that would work with any permissions plugin then asking one of them to add it bump EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
Given my limited knowledge on these matters, I can't make what you're asking for but I do know it should be easier for the developers of GM to implement the feature, since plugin hooks are a bit of a pain, so I'm told. Have you tried asking them if they could implement this?
I recommend zPermission - it has lot of extremely useful features like region permissions, timed permissions, timed memberships, and much much more. It's the best permission plugin I've ever used.