Filled TimedDamage - Additional damage based on damage done

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Dark_Serpent, Feb 6, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Role Playing, Mechanics

    Suggested name: TimedDamage

    What I want: I want a plugin that is able to allow a player to apply a debuff on a target player. This debuff will remain on the player for the duration value provided.

    The player will then proceed to damage the other player, and after the duration is complete, depending on the damage the player did, more damage will be executed on a multiplier.

    Preferably, there will be a line of smoke particles that gets shot out the direction the player is looking.

    To explain better, imagine we have this command:

    /timedamage (player) (duration) (multiplier) (range)

    Player will be the player that casts the ability.
    Duration is how long the ability will last if it hits.
    Multiplier is how much weaker or stronger the extra damage is.
    Range is how far the effect will travel before stopping, in blocks.

    To show correctly how the values will be entered:

    /timedamage Dark_Serpent 15 1.5 100

    This will shoot the ability at the direction the player Dark_Serpent is facing with a 1.5 multiplier and a travel distance of 100 blocks. If this ability hits a player, it will last for 15 seconds before the damage is applied.

    If at all possible, the damage applied will not ignore armor.

    Ideas for commands:
    (Player) - The player
    (Duration) - How long the applied effect will last before detonating
    (Multiplier) - How strong the damage will be (0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 19.5, etc.)
    (Range) - How long the effect will travel before stopping

    When I'd like it by:
    Whenever possible

    Additional Information:
    It must be able to work properly in Minecraft Version 1.7.10. Thanks in advance!
  2. Offline


    I'm willing to take this request on! Just one question - are your armor stats and damage managed completely by vanilla Minecraft, or do you have some RPG plugin (or one of a similar ilk) that changes the damage values?
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    Yes! I'm using Simple Item Damage and some plugins that add additional enchantments, although I'm not concerned with those.

    I have Simple Item Damage in order to modify the damage of Stone, Iron, and Diamond Hoes.

    Stone_Hoe: 300
    Iron_Hoe: 300
    Diamond_Hoe: 355
    EDIT: They're all roughly the strength of a diamond sword except for the diamond hoe, which is slightly stronger.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2016
  4. Offline


    Finished the plugin! It has one command, /timedamage, which follows the rules that you requested. Since it currently will affect players regardless of issuer, I've restricted its use with the permission node timeddamage.use. (Note that there are two ds in the permission node, whereas there is only one in the command.)

    Tell me if there are any problems:
  5. Offline


    Hello! Sorry for the late reply, I've been caught up in a bunch of stuff and I didn't have time to properly implement it into my server.
    After some quick tests, the plugin works amazingly! Thanks a million!
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    You're very welcome!
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    Liam Townsley

    Also, You do not need to use the plugin now if you use 1.9 as it has timed attacks.
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