Time parsing method

Discussion in 'Resources' started by p000ison, Oct 19, 2012.

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    Heyho Community,
    I just wrote a method to parse a string, which holds a time, so I want to share it with you and maybe improve it.

    private static final long DAY = 86400000L;
    private  static final long HOUR = 3600000L;
    private  static final long MINUTE = 60000L;
    private  static final long SECOND = 1000L;
    private static final char DAY_CHAR = 'd', HOUR_CHAR = 'h', MINUTE_CHAR = 'm', SECOND_CHAR = 's';
         * This parses a String which holds a time and returns the duration in ms.
         * <p/>
         * <p><strong>Example:</strong> 2d5h2m52s</p>
         * @param time The string to parse
         * @return The duration in ms
        public static long parseTime(String time)
            char[] chars = time.toCharArray();
            long duration = 0;
            long current = 0;
            int run = 1;
            long multi = 1;
            //iterate backwards
            for (int i = chars.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                char character = chars[i];
                int currentNumber = getDigit(character);
                if (currentNumber != -1) {
                    //is number
                    //set the value of the current iteration
                    current += currentNumber * run;
                    //add the current value to the whole
                    duration += current * multi;
                    //we set our run '* 10' because: 112 = 1 * 100 + 1 * 10 + 2 * 1
                    run *= 10;
                } else {
                    //is character
                    //lets find our multiplicator
                    switch (character) {
                        case DAY_CHAR:
                            multi = DAY;
                        case HOUR_CHAR:
                            multi = HOUR;
                        case MINUTE_CHAR:
                            multi = MINUTE;
                        case SECOND_CHAR:
                            multi = SECOND;
                        case ' ':
                        case '_':
                            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Invalid character found! %s", character));
                    //everytime we get a new character which signs the multiplicator we reset our values
                    current = 0;
                    run = 1;
            return duration;
         * Returns the number of a character. '9' will return the integer 9, '2' will return the integer 2
         * @param character The character to parse
         * @return The integer which matches, or -1 if the parse fails
        public static int getDigit(int character)
            final int MINIMAL_DIGIT = 48, MAXIMAL_DIGIT = 57;
            if (character >= MINIMAL_DIGIT && character <= MAXIMAL_DIGIT) {
                return character - MINIMAL_DIGIT;
            return -1;
    50d21h5m55s will return 4399560000. Currently it supports only lower-case characters and it will break if there is any other character, which is not "parse-able".

    EDIT: Replaced the digit method. It's much faster now!

  2. Offline


    2. SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d'd'k'h'm'm's's'");
    4. public static long parseTime(String time) {
    5. Date date = dateFormat.parse(time);
    6. return date.getTime();
    7. }

    This should also work.
    chaseoes likes this.
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    k true, but also about 15 times slower :p
    BananaBitchs likes this.
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