Filled ThunderDeath

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by EvilGooD, Dec 8, 2014.

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    Plugin category: Miscellaneous
    Suggested name: ThunderDeath
    What I want: When a player dies throws a lightning to the position where he died, but no damage to the terrain or players around
    Ideas for commands: none
    Ideas for permissions: none
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    Windy Day

    Here you go: <Edit by Timtower: removed mediafire link, please read item 6 on this page: >
    EvilGooD likes this.
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    Windy Day please put the download link directly, not the link to Adfly page
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    EvilGooD I still make that plugin for you, EvilGooD!
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    Windy Day

    @EvilGooD I just made this plugin quickly and it doesn't have a dev page. What site should I upload it to if I want to avoid installing dropbox?
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    EvilGooD No Problem! You know, I like to help anyone!
    Do you change the Thread state to Filled (i think!), please.
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    Windy Day

    Last link was media fire. timtower what site should I use otherwise?
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    Windy Day I think you don't upload that plugin, it's already done.
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    Windy Day You put in Adfly? I think is allowed Mediafire
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    EvilGooD Do you change the Thread state to Filled (i think!), please.
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    Windy Day

    Either way quoting from link guidelines that timtower told me to look at:
    "Mediafire and Adfly are not allowed. "
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    EvilGooD The plugin is made for Craftbukkit 1.7.10. What is your server version? Then i change the version to that.
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    Windy Day

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    Thank you very much to the two :)
    Windy Day and Experminator like this.
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