Filled Thirst Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by ItzAllo, Aug 26, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: Thirst

    What I want: I'd like a plugin that uses their XP bar as a thirst bar, which depletes over time. Also, a players thirst should deplete faster in different biomes (for example: If a player is standing in a sand biome, then their thrist will go down faster than if they were standing in a Forest biome.) Also, they can use configurable items to refill their thirst. Another thing: When they use an item that refills their thirst and the exp bar is full, then they should get a configurable message, default saying *You are no longer thirsty.*

    What I want configurable: Biomes that thirst depletes in, thirst depletion rate, items that can be used to refill someones health, and the messages.

    Ideas for commands: None.
    Ideas for permissions: thirst.biomes: If a player has this, then their thirst will deplete faster in certain biomes.

    That's it. ;)

    When I'd like it by: Whenever possible. Take your time! :)
  2. Offline


    There is a plugin that sounds like what you are describing c:
    Maybe you have already seen this, maybe not. Just thought I would bring it up just in case!
    Here is the config in case you would like to know more about the options.
    ## BYTE RPG config File
    ## Welcome to the RPG plugin designed for be careful how you edit the following details use a yaml editor if you do have to edit this file.
    ################## Bar and scoreboards ###################
    ##Use the BYTE scoreboard
    byteScoreboardEnabled: true
    ##whether to use BarAPI support for thirst bar
    useBarAPI: false
    barAPIMessage: Your thirst bar
    ##use scoreboard stats for thirst level
    useScoreboardStats: false
    ##use xp bar as thirst bar
    useXpScore: false
    ##use actionbar for messages
    actionBarEnabled: true
    ################## world settings #########################
    ##Enabled worlds
      - world
      - world_nether
      - world_the_end
    ################## Thirst check settings #################
    ##Time in ticks between each thirst check
    timeBetweenChecks: 500
    ##Amount in % thirst is reduced each check
    normal: 1
    savannah: 2
    desert: 4
    jungle: 3
    nether: 3
    ################## Thirst messages and levels ###########
    ##levels at which messages sent in %
    thirsty: 40
    parched: 20
    dehydrated: 10
    ##messages for each level above
    thirstyMessage: You are starting to feel very thirsty and are weakening.
    parchedMessage: You are parched, you are starting to slow.
    dehydratedMessage: You are dehydrated, your eyes are dimming
    dyingMessage: You are so thirsty, you are dying.
    fullyRefreshedMessage: You are fully refreshed
    itemConsumeMessage: Thirst +
    ##prefix for thirst infomation message scoreboard etc
    messagePrefix: Thirst
    ################# Custom Items ##########################
    ##custom item names for boiled and snow melted water
    boiledWaterName: Boiled Water
    boiledWaterLore: Water boiled in a furnace
    snowWaterName: Pure Water
    snowWaterLore: Water melted from snow
    ##custom items above refresh rate
    boiledWaterRefresh: 25
    snowWaterRefresh: 30
    ##objects & liquid that replenishes plus percentage gained
      373: 20
    ##water bottle
      282: 10
    ##Mushroom stew
      413: 10
    ##rabbit stew
      335: 15
    ##milk bucket
      360: 5
    ##melon slice
    ################### MECHANICS  #########################
    ##how much damage is caused on dehydration (double)
    damage: 1.0
    ##how many water bottles you can stack
    bottleStack: 10
    ##refresh the player if they eneter water
    refreshOnSwim: true
    ##armorWeightplugin - reduce thirst on player weight
    armorWeightEnabled: true
    ##amount armorweight plugin additionally reduces thirst per check per 20 armour weight, fnll integer only
    weightModifier: 1
  3. Offline


    Holy smokes! Thats perfect! Thanks! :D
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