The future of Bukkit

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by IronGolem001, Dec 21, 2014.

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    The Bukkit Project is dead since September, and almost everyone who used Bukkit now moved to Spgiot, Rainbow, Vanilla and many others. All of the Craftbukkit downloads were taken down. Only the Bukkit jar files remains for plugin developers (I think).

    Many people think there is no use for Bukkit after the DMCA takedown.

    But, anyone who uses Spigot still needs the Bukkit website to get their plugins. What I think is that Bukkit should become a website where users can make and download plugins for their Spigot servers. There will also be a forum where you can ask for someone to help you out fixing a bug in your plugin, requesting someone a new plugin, taking over an abandoned plugin and many more.

    But the only problem is that the plugin developers who uses Jenkins, will have to move to Bukkit. I don't know if this will take an effect on Jenkins.

    I think my idea will be rejected by many, but its a solution for the Bukkit website from being inactive.

    What's your opinion?
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    It is already.
    Spigot is a fork of Bukkit. Therefore most Plugins on BukkitDev anyway work on Spigot.
    And you are already allowed to post stuff about Spigot in this Forum. As long as it is in the appropriate Section.
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    @IronGolem001 All you really have to do is take a good look around on this site. Bukkit may have lost a lot of people ever since Spigot worked its way out of the DMCA*, and when other alternatives arose after the DMCA was issued, but this website is still pretty active if you ask me. The forums in general are certainly still buzzing with life, the Plugin Development section is still flooded with plugin developers asking for help, which signifies that Bukkit plugin development is still as active as ever.

    CraftBukkit may have been removed from The Bukkit Project, but so long as the Bukkit API and the community still stand, this place isn't going anywhere.

    * There's still talk about Spigot not being on totally stable ground with their method of getting out of the DMCA, but apparently it's good enough for them not to have been taken down again by now while Wolfe is attempting to go after them (or so I've heard).
    ChipDev likes this.
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    Remember that while minecraft has moved on to 1.8, some people are still using Bukkit servers for 1.7.x if they were able to get their hands on a build before the DMCA.
  5. I think this is a great idea! Although I think we should also rename it to to reduce the chances people get confused. Is that domain already taken? Someone should check on that.
    pookeythekid, JaguarJo and teej107 like this.
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    Just saying: People who were smart and packed up for a Zombie apocalypse with craftbukkit versions (Like hosting companies, you could switch versions.) You also can still download Bukkit, although not craftBukkit.
    @AdamQpzm Have you clicked your link? that is the spigot website :)
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    I am pretty sure that that is his entire point. Have you seen what he quoted? SPIGOT plugin, why would those be on bukkit?
    JaguarJo and AdamQpzm like this.
  8. @ChipDev I thought my point was obvious enough, but apparently not :p @timtower got it spot on - if one wants this site dedicated to Spigot, I see absolutely no point in that. Spigot already exists, why have a carbon copy website?
    timtower likes this.
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    What about people running 1.8 CraftBukkit? One of the outputs of the build process developed by the Spigot folks is simply CraftBukkit. So you can still run 1.8 CraftBukkit, instead of Spigot.
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    mbaxter ʇıʞʞnq ɐ sɐɥ ı

    It isn't CraftBukkit. It's Spigot, without some of their modifications. It's put out by Spigot, it's theirs.

    Calling it CraftBukkit doesn't make it official.
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    You dropped the ball, they picked it up and ran with it. You should be embracing their commitment to an open-source project. To a sever owner, it's CraftBukkit 1.8.
  12. @Bobcat00 I have on my hypothetical hard drive a copy of CraftBukkit 1.8 code that I have developed. This code is line for line exactly the same as Spigot's CraftBukkit release, except for a number of lines I have dedicated to the purpose of regularly spawning an arbitrarily large amount of cats.

    You now some options. You can either admit that Spigot's release is not an official release, and as such does not belong on these forums* (which I believe to be the best of the three options), you can try and give valid reasons as to why Spigot's release should be considered official more than my death-by-cats release should, or you should defend my release as official just as much as you would defend Spigot's release. Let me know where you stand :)

    *Except for the alternative section I avoid, I guess
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    @AdamQpzm I think people are getting 'official' confused with the version number. You guys wouldn't be complaining about the official-ness of the Spigot builds if they were still on 1.7.
  14. @teej107 Sure I would. Would it be harder to tell if they used 1.7 version numbers? Sure. But a release by them would still be unofficial.
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    @AdamQpzm Yes I agree, but people are only arguing over if Spigot is official since the code from Spigot is more up to date than the official Bukkit.
  16. @teej107 Maybe, but I feel that people would argue it anyway :)
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    @AdamQpzm It's very clear what the Spigot folks have released. If you don't like it, don't use it. What do you care what the rest of us use?

    The former CraftBukkit staff should be thrilled that someone thinks their work is worthwhile continuing. And it's obviously better than the Mojang API that Jeb said was to be released in 2014 (ha, ha).

    IANAL, but I don't believe you can trademark a name for something which is not sold in commerce. So anyone can legally call anything they want "CraftBukkit". So go and release your catastic CraftBukkit, it sounds awesome. It would be even better if the cats would kills Dinnerbone's rabbits, because that's what they would do in real life.

    If your complaint has to do with the forums, is registered to Curse, and Curse apparently thinks the forums are worthwhile continuing and are an appropriate place to discuss the New CraftBukkit.

    So here we are, a New CraftBukkit that server owners are thrilled to have, a place for developers to continue to release their plugins, and a forum that can be used to discuss the New CraftBukkit.
  18. I don't use it, not because I hate it, but because I have no need for it. I couldn't care less whether you use Spigot to power your software, or a custom piece of software you made solely using Paint (although with the latter I'd be very interested in how it works). What I do care about, though, is people stealing Bukkit's name. As much as I would be fascinated and would admire your Paint Minecraft server, I'd not be happy about you calling it (Craft)Bukkit.

    I'm not so sure any of us are in a position to tell them what to feel, are we?

    Yes, and I'm sure the fact they make money from it doesn't impact at all upon that judgement, and that they'd feel exactly the same if Bukkit started losing them money :)

    Yes, in the "Bukkit alternatives" section. Make of that what you will.
    JaguarJo likes this.
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    You asked if that domain is taken.
    A: Yes.
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    Well, I don't think it's any of your concern, nor do you have any standing.

    As far as I know, the name cannot be trademarked. It is apparently owned by Mojang and/or Curse, so it's up to them to take whatever legal action they deem necessary. But, as I said, I don't think anyone can prevent others from using it because the name was never used in commerce.

    And with that, I am done discussing this with you.
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    Just one comment on that, not to extend a debate or anything. Although Mojang/Curse/(Real) Bukkit may or may not own the name of Bukkit and CraftBukkit, it's still a tad bit wrong to distribute new CraftBukkits under the same CB name while it's Spigot who's giving it out. The least they could do is rename CraftBukkit to SpigBukkit or something.
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    pookeythekid likes this.

    That makes absolutely no sense. Because a name hasn't been used for something commercial, anyone can use the name? N0, that's not right at all. Protection is not only for those making money out of it. And in either case, I wasn't talking about whether they could legally use the name, I was merely pointing out they they have no right to use it in an official sense.
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    Thanks for the new vocab ;)
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    This would not be the first open source project which was abandoned by the original development team, and then continued by a new team under the same name.
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    @Shaggy67 It's been more than once that someone committed murder. Doesn't make it any different to do it now.

    Edit: Lol, I know it's a dark example but you get it.
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    The name is owned by Mojang. So until/unless Mojang raises an objection to how it is being used on projects distributed by other entities, I don't see the problem.
  28. Offline


    @rcade Didn't Microsoft acquire all of Mojang's intellectual property?
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    Presumably Microsoft owns it all now and Mojang is a subsidiary.
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