The famous "1.4 combo"

Discussion in 'Bukkit Discussion' started by Eddythepro, Nov 14, 2012.


Should Bukkit make a fix on this problem?

  1. Get rid of the "1.4 combo" please.

  2. Keep the "1.4 combo" to keep fights unfair.

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    As we all know, Player versus Player has turned out to be a big part of the Minecraft Community. With PvP servers being the most played servers in Minecraft.

    After playing PvP servers, it has come to my attention that 1.3-1.4 have a glitch where if you relog before any PvP fight, you will have a WAY better chance of winning. It turns out when you relog you don't get hit back as much and have more range than other players. Although most players are aware of this problems, there is nothing we can do to fix this. I play on MCPVP from time to time, I think the 1.4 combo is the worst on servers like this because of the simple fact that you just have to stay still and attack people in one spot. Focusing on hotkeying and attacking at the same time while making sure you are staying in a good position from the enemy isn't how its played anymore. Now its all about the 1.4 combo. This was not an issue during 1.2 or any of the previous updates.

    If Bukkit can take time to work on these fixes it would be great for the Minecraft PvP community. Thank you.
    - Eddythepro
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    [citation needed]
    Pr4w, jtjj222 and chakyl like this.
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    Are you sure its Bukkit and not spigot or something like that?
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    That's why there's plugins where if you logout you become an NPC for a specific amount of time.
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