That Kit Is Improperly Defined

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by toxicteddy, Oct 12, 2016.

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  1. So i get this error for 3 out of my 5 kits and i have no idea why! In-game when i use the /kit vip i get everything that i have added in the essentials but i still get the error! on the hero and legend i just get the armor some help?
  2. Offline


    Why do you have your items named "310:0" instead of just "310"? Idk if this is the error.
  3. Offline


    There's your problem for SpecialKit

    For the rest, I don't think you can use "128" as an Item amount, because Essentials tries to create a single ItemStack for each list entry. Try changing it to two separate ones with 64 each.
  4. Special Kit works fine and everything worked fine but i had to update essentials so i copy and pasted the kits to the new config :) haven't tried specialkit but legit and starter work fine considering that they have 128 as an item ammount
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