How can I put whatever text I want on the sidebar scoreboard like this: I could only find info about putting player related stuff on the board.
I think you can use Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(ChatColor.BLUE + "Blue Nexus") and set a score for that fake player, not sure though and never had to use that.
Elimnator Yes, se1by is correct. Just use Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer("any string here") in the place of normal online players to print anything you want to the sidebar. Possibly this is what you're looking for.
amhokies I did registerNewTeam(String name) then after the game I want to remove the team, how can I do that. Simply resetting the players score won't do that.
Elimnator You have to store the team in a variable, and then call team.unregister() when you want to remove the team.