teleport region

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Xxstick, Jan 17, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Teleportation/Fun

    Suggested name: maybe something like "teleport Region"

    What I want: I am requesting a plugin wich allows you to create regions wich teleport you if you enter the Region. The admin can create a Region with /<plugin-Name> what will open a GUI wich helps you to create a Region and set the teleport Location. The teleportation will teleport the Player and if he is in a vehicle, then the vehicle will get teleported too. E.g. a Player drives with minecart, enter a teleport Region, then he will get teleported and the Player will still be in the minecart and will have the same Speed.

    Ideas for commands: /<plugin-name> (wich will open a gui to Setup a certain Region)

    Ideas for permissions: <plugin-Name>.Setup
  2. Offline


    You can use multiverse-portals for this.
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