Filled Teams Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JayGhoul, Jul 24, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Mechanics/Fun

    Suggested name: L2Factions

    What I want: This plugin has some must haves...
    At Least 2 Teams able to be made.
    Team Members can't friendly fire.
    Plugin keeps track of entire team's kills as "Player Kills".
    Teams Reset Period (Like every 48 hours the teams will reset all the stats and kick all players from teams)
    Before Team Reset happens all players on team with the most points receives "Prize_One" and player with the most points also receives "Prize_Two".
    Customizable name of teams.
    Unlimited available team members.
    2 Default teams. (Red and Blue)

    Ideas for commands:
    /lteam create (team name)
    Ex. /lteam create Red
    Return- Red created

    /lteam friendlyfire (player name) (on/off)
    Ex. /lteam friendlyfire JayGhoul on
    Return- friendly fire enabled for (JayGhoul)

    /lteam resetperiod (number of) (S/M/H/D/W)
    Ex. /lteam resetperiod 3 d
    Return- Teams reset period set to 3 Days

    /lteam move (player name) (select team)
    Ex. /lteam move JayGhoul Blue
    Return- JayGhoul Moved from Red to Blue

    /lteam setprize (1/2) (Item/Money) (Amount) (Item ID)
    Ex. /lteam setprize 1 Money 30
    Return- Prize_One has been set to $30
    Ex. /lteam setprize 2 Item 10 log
    Return- Prize_Two has been set to 10 log

    /lteam point (team name)
    Ex. /lteam point Red
    Return- Team Red has 20 Points in this match.

    /lteam delete (team name)
    Ex. /lteam delete Red
    Return- Red has been deleted.

    /lteam tag (team name) (color)
    Ex. /lteam tag Red &4
    Sets all the players in "Red" to have their names be red. (Essentials Color Codes)

    ≈≈≈≈≈≈ NOT REQUIRED ≈≈≈≈≈≈
    /lteam cp (1/2) (command)
    Ex. /lteam cp 1 broadcast &4Congrats to JayGhoul!
    Return- Command for Prize_One has been set to "broadcast &4Congrats to JayGhoul!"
    (When Player Receives Prize_One the command activates)

    Ideas for permissions:
    lteam.create - allows player to use /lteam create
    lteam.ff - allows player to use /lteam friendlyfire
    lteam.rp - allows player to use /lteam resetperiod
    lteam.manager - allows player to use /lteam move
    lteam.setprize - allows player to use /lteam setprize
    lteam.point - allows player to use /lteam point
    lteam.delete - allows player to use /lteam delete
    lteam.tag - allows player to use /lteam tag
    lteam.cp - allows player to use /lteam cp

    When I'd like it by: As soon as possible.
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
  2. Offline


    Bump? Please? xD
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    I just added that command and permission :p Sorry I forgot the most basic xD
  5. Offline


    How do you join a team is it done automatically or you do join teams on invitaion?
    When players get kick from the team does the team stay or does it get deleted?
  6. Offline


    #1. You will be added to the teams automatically normally or moved to a team with "/lteam move" by a player. (No invitations)
    #2. The Teams are permanent until deleted with "/lteam delete"
    Last edited: Jul 26, 2015
  7. Offline


    Alright L2Factions done!
    Name: L2Factions
    Version: 1.1
    Description: Another team plugin
    softdepend: [Vault]

    L2Factions main command
    Command: [L2Factions]
    Description: Main command for L2Factions
    Alias: [lteam, lteams, l2f]
    Arguments: [create, setprize, move, resetperiod, delete, help, tag, friendlyfire, points, reload, list]
    lteam.create- Allows a player create a new faction
    lteam.resetperiod | lteam.rp - Allows a player to set the resetperiod.
    lteam.friendlyfire | lteam.ff - Allows a player to set the friendlyfire of a player
    lteam.manager - Allows a player to move players into teams
    lteam.delete- Allows a player to delete a team
    lteam.tag- Allows a player to change the tag of a team
    lteam.setprize- Allows a player to set the prize 1 or 2
    lteam.list- Allows a player to list all teams Allows a player to show the help menu
    lteam.reload- Allows a player to reload the configuration
    lteam.point.add- Allows a player to add points to a player/team
    lteam.point.set - Allows a player to set points to a player/team
    lteam.point.remove - Allows a player to remove points from a player/team
    lteam.point.view - Allows a player to view points ofa player/team
    Beware: config comments will be removed on after first load
    # ----------------
    #      Time
    # s = seconds
    # m = minutes
    # h = hours
    # d = days
    # w = weeks
    # n = months
    # y = years
    # ----------------
    - Manage custom teams with customizable friendly fire and overhead color

    JarFile: L2Factions.jar
    Size: 33.17kb
    Download: [Link]
    Like the post if i helped :)
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2015
    JayGhoul likes this.
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