Team Chat problems

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Splated, Nov 29, 2012.

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    Im trying to make a simple mod that filters all chat messages to just team members.

        @EventHandler (priority = EventPriority.LOW)
        public void onPlayerChatEvent(AsyncPlayerChatEvent event) {
            if (RunningMod == null) return;
            Team team = RunningMod.getTM().GetTeam(event.getPlayer());
            Set<Player> players = event.getRecipients();
            for (Player p:players){
                if (!RunningMod.getTM().GetTeam(p).equals(team))
            event.setMessage("["+team.getTeamName()+"] "+event.getMessage());

    In my small tests it worked but on a bigger server it locked up. i think when a player disconnected is when the problem happened.
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    I would check to make sure a player isn't null before sending.
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    phondeux that would throw a NPE
    Splated Do not call any Bukkit methods (unless declared thread-safe), as the event is async when it is called as players send chat messages.
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    if i made the GetTeam synchronized would that fix it?
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