Taxed shops

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by thisguy128512, Mar 5, 2012.

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    I would appreciate a plugin that you can use with chestshop to impose a sort of tax on shops. Some way to divvy up chestshop returns with players or just delete parts of them from the economy entirely. We're having problems with our economy and we figure a nice quadratic equation would be cool to tax the shops. It wouldn't be too hard to do, essentially all it needs are a couple key features:

    - Configure the account the money goes to.

    - Configure the equation type (Linear/quadratic)

    - Choose the equation.

    If it sounds useful to you, get back to me on it. I know coding is fun & difficult but this might be a nice, small side-project.

    I'm learning C++, but Java can't essentially be too different when thinking along the lines of this kind of thing.
  2. Offline


    what do you mean by a quadratic/linear equation? why couldn't you just tax a strict percentage?

    or would you want the percentage to be determined by world events?

    this could definitely be possible, but (someone correct me if i'm wrong) i think we'd need to see some of chestshop's source code to be able to write it.
  3. Offline


    I mean that as price goes one way, the tax goes in some direction, loops around, and as the price continues in that direction, tax goes back to where it came from. So for example as the price increases, the tax reduces, dips at a specific spot, and then goes back up as price continues to rise.

    I got a nice equation so that $350 = 99%, $1000 = 8%, and $1650 = 50% which is about exactly how I wanted it. And yeah - we would need the original code for chestshop. Maybe we could ask the dev dude (whose name escapes me at the moment).
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    So i guess this one is a pipe dream then. Maybe I should just suggest this as a feature to the Chestshop Dev.

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