Tag Suffix

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by quack123456, Jan 22, 2015.

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    This plugin is a plugin that makes a tag suffix. It should be a GUI and commands should be /tags /tag create it should have color codes.
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    I do not get exactly what you want.
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    i want something when you do /tags you can chose different tags and you can make tags for them to choose
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    My Plugin ChatTitles allows you to create custom tags for players to choose from.
    It depends on RankPrefix+ to run though.
    Both links are in my signature.
    Its also /titles but you can use an Alias plugin like CommandOverride for example to make it be /tags.
    Link is also in my signature.
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    @quack123456 In vanilla, if you create a scoreboard team, then open up level.dat in NBTExplorer and edit the scoreboards, you can set a prefix and suffix. This applies to all three - the chat name, the above-the-head name, and the tablist name. However some chat plugins might not support it, but they probably have their own prefix/suffixes. You can of course set the scoreboard team names to be easy to reference, then use commands.yml to put in custom commands.

    @mrCookieSlime Not to be rude or anything, but commands.yml kinda makes 78% of your plugin obsolete.
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @pie_flavor As far as I know his plugin also his timers build in etc. And not everybody knows how to use that, or even that it exists.
    @quack123456 My plugin ChatLikeMe can do this, semi at least. It gives players the ability to put in their own tags
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    MrCookieSlime I tried your plugin but it doesnt work. Every time somone choses a tag it doesnt show up thats why i made a request. What happens is i made like 8 tags then i tried to use one but it didnt work and i didnt have any suffix on.
  8. Offline


    Did you install RankPrefix+?
    If so, then did you make sure you included the {CHATTITLE} prefix in the chat format?
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    I installed RankPrefix+ i wasn't stupid about that here is my config file i dont know what you mean

    name: '&8&l[&e&lI&d&l<3&e&lQuack&8&l]'
    permission: title.heartQuack
    name: '&7&l[&2&lI&d&l<3&2&lSeed&7&l]'
    permission: title.heartSeed
    name: '&8&l[&b&lNot&6&lA&b&lAdmin&8&l]'
    permission: title.notAdmin
    name: '&8&l[&c&lNot&5&lA&c&lOwner&8&l]'
    permission: title.notOwner
    name: '&8&l[&a&lNot&5&lA&a&lMod&8&l]'
    permission: title.notMod
    name: '&7&l[&9&lRaid&4&l&oGamer&7&l]'
    permission: title.raidGamer
    name: '&7&l[&6&l&oRaider&7&l]'
    permission: title.raider
    name: '&7&l[&f&lO&8&lr&f&le&8&lo&7&l]'
    permission: title.oreo
    name: '&6&l&kIII&b&l[&3&lRaid&d&lGod&b&l]&6&l&kIII'
    permission: title.RaidGod
    name: '&b&lBoldAqua'
    permission: chatcolor.Aqua
    prefix: '&b&l'
    name: '&2Green'
    permission: namecolor.green
    prefix: '&2'
    auto-update: true
    - ''
    - '&7<&a&l Click to use &7>'
    title: NAME_TAG
    chatcolor: NAME_TAG
    namecolor: NAME_TAG
  10. Offline


    ChatTitles does nothing on its own. RankPrefix+ simply replaces the {CHATTITLE} tag in the chat format with your selected title. Go to your RankPrefix+ Config and add {CHATTITLE} to the chat-layout.
    Also, make sure to remove any other Chat Plugins like EssentialsChat.
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    Ah Okay so i have to take essentialschat

    Um i did that now how am i going to give people prefixes for them groups.

    <Edit by mrCookieSlime: Merged posts. Please don't double post. There is an Edit Button right next to the Date.>
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2015
  12. Offline


    In the chat layout replace {PREFIX} with {RANK-PREFIX} and {SUFFIX} with {RANK-SUFFIX}
  13. Offline


    OKay thanks a lot and i will try to switch /titles into /tags
  14. Offline


    Just use my Plugin CommandOverride or any other alias plugin for that. @timtower also has a good one called DynamicAliases.
    Link is in my signature.
    Tim's Plugin is in his signature.
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    @quack123456 or commands.yml which will use less memory
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