TabComplete 1.13

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by The_Spaceman, Oct 28, 2018.

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    I was wondering if there is a new way of creating TabCompletes like in Minecraft 1.13

    not just a list, but also a name (like '/time set ' and the name is '<time>' (press esc when tab list appears)), colors, error name (like when '/time set notAnInteger')

    Thanks in advance
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    @The_Spaceman There isn't an official way to do this using the Bukkit/Spigot API, but there are some APIs that exist such as this one that uses reflection to hook into Brigadier: I should warn you that this is quite a bit more advanced than the built-in basic tab completion.
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    thats great, but also not... I recently made a subCommand system with a build-in tabComplete, and when using this it would change everything...

    but thank you!
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