•WARNING• Whoever makes this plugin add me on skype (tom.developer) I will make him owner of galaxy games 600 slot server •Requirements• •all normal stuff for SG •TNT explodes on place (Does not break terrain) •When a player dies it fires a fire work •BloodEffect •There will be a Deathmatch •A scoreboard on the left with a scrolling text under the text it will show: -Time left until Deatmatch -Kills you have -How many people left -How many spectator watching •To join a game you press a sign that will say [MapName] Players in game Starting/Join/Full •A compass when right clicked it'll show all the players and when you press one if them you get teleported to them (Only for spectators) •When somebody wins a game all the pads starts shooting fireworks •Custom Coins system when you get a kill you get 1 coin when you die -1 point when you win a game +5 points
Tom6 Try using: PluginSearcher It allows you to type words, press enter/search, and tons of stuff comes up with the keywords you searched! Or SurvivalGames, which is one of the most popular. Also Lib's Survival Games.