Plugin category: Fun Suggested name: SurvivalGames, or something of the like What I want: A plugin that can replicate MCSG or Hive, where 24 players are put into a custom arena, and are then required to fight others using loot that they have gathered from chests that have random customizable loot spawns. These are the features that i would like: Full Automation Map Voting Multiple tiers of chests, each with customizable loot spawns Maps that will be reset after games Deathmatch, once there are only 4 players left alive Spectating, when you die you will be forced invisble, and given fly mode so you can watch the players still alive A points system, where you gain points from kill and wins, and lose points when you die Sponsoring system, so you can sponsor items to players in the arena at the expense of your points Bounties, so you can put a price on a foe's head using your points Everything from the part about spectating down, is all optional, but i would like to have those features. I have in fact read the Plugin Requests Guide, more specifically the part about Originality. I have searched the forums and BukkitDev for multiple weeks now, and there is nothing available that is updated that has all of my required features. So unless someone can show me something that can do all of this, then I will consider this original. Ideas for commands: I can think of a few, /vote # - to vote for the maps /sponsor <player> <item> - for sponsoring /bounty <player> <amount> - to set bounties /stoparena /startarena /setchest <T1/T2> - to set the tiers of chests /creatarena <world> /setarenaspawn # - to set a player spawn in an arena /points <add/set/take> <amount> - to manage the points Ideas for permissions: sg.player - default permission, allows you to sponsor, vote, bounty, and spectate sg.mod - inherits sg.player, can start/stop the games sg.admin - inherits sg.mod, can create and edit arenas, and manage points When I'd like it by: Yesterday. Just kidding, I'd like it as soon as someone can make it. If this is too big of a project, then just let me know. I am willing to help in the development, although i am quite new to coding.
@Kiaeyi The first and third link are not updated therefore I do not trust them to be reliable, the second and third link have no way of relying off the same points, which in turn makes them useless. Please read the OP before posting.
But if the plugin was last updated over 7 months ago.. And I almost never use anything that is in Beta/Recommended just because I don't want to gamble with that.
Think you mean Alpha / Development / Beta. And that is the stage that most plugins are in to be honest.