
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by JustNoHacks, Oct 22, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: SDrop

    What I want: In a selected area, at random times between 20mins - 60mins. Beacons with fall 10 blocks above the chest will spawn. The beacons will have the "Beacon Shining Effect" effect. when the beacons land on the ground level, they'll turn into chests. The chests will have the "Love Heart" Particles when they spawn. The loot can be configurable with percentage/chance per item! Please make sure it includes the support of spawners (ex: 52:99, 52:61...) and item data value (1:1). Please also make sure that the amount of chests/supplydrops dropped per event can be configurable. After a player opened a supply chest, make sure it auto destroys!!! If nobody claims the chest, after 5mins they will auto clear!

    Ideas for commands:

    /sdropevent start -
    starts the supply drop event.

    Ideas for permissions:

    sdropevent.admin -
    access to all command(s)

    When I'd like it by: By A Week
  2. Offline


    There are plugins like this, like mint package, supply drops. Do research first!
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