Filled Super Simple KitPvP

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Xp10d3, Dec 23, 2020.

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    It's been a while since I requested a plugin lol so if I miss anything my bad. And before you say EssentialsX, I'm in a network and they prefer not to use EssentialsX as we're probably using CMI instead.

    Plugin category: PvP/Fun

    Minecraft version: 1.8

    Suggested name: SimpleKitPvP

    What I want:
    This is SUPER simple. This is all command based. If you do /createkit <kit_name>, it will create a kit with that name (as long as you have the permission kitpvp.create) and save the kit with the items in your inventory. So for example if I have iron armor, iron sword, and 64 steak in my inventory (with the armor equipped) and I do /createkit PvPKit, it will then save the armor and items into a config file or whatever with the name PvPKit. The next command is /kit <kit_name>. Super simple. It gives the player the kit with the armor equipped. Finally, there should be the ability to delete kits. /delkit <kit_name>. It deletes the kit from the config file if the player has the permission kitpvp.delete. One more thing: there should be permission based kits. Ex. if I have the VIP kit and the player does /kit vip, but doesn't have the permission, they can't use the kit.

    Ideas for commands:
    /createkit <kit_name>: Creates a kit with the armor and inventory contents if the player has the permission kitpvp.create.
    /kit <kit_name>: Gives the player the kit with the armor equipped.
    /delkit <kit_name>: Deletes a kit from the config file if the player has the permission kitpvp.delete.

    Ideas for permissions:
    kitpvp.create: Allows use of /createkit <kit_name>.
    kitpvp.kit.<kit_name>: Allows use of a specific kit. So if the player does /kit vip but doesn't have the permission, they can't use the kit.
    kitpvp.kit.*: Can use all kits.
    kitpvp.delete: Allows use of /delkit <kit_name>.

    When I'd like it by: A.S.A.P.
  2. Offline


    Does it clear the players inventory when they do the kit?
    Does the kit have a cooldown?
  3. Offline


    mb forgot to mention that. Yes, it clears the player's inventory when they do /kit <kit_name>. No cooldown is necessary. Dropping items should also be removed.
  4. Offline


    Dropping items entirely or dropping items from the kits?
    If entirely, is it world based?
  5. Offline


    Dropping items entirely. And yes world based. Sorry I didn't clarify any of this.
  6. Offline


    Here is the plugin.
    Hope it works for you, I changed the commands, they are as follows;

    /kit create [kit name]
    Permission: kitpvp.create
    /kit remove [kit name]
    Permission: kitpvp.remove
    /kit [kit name]
    Permission: kitpvp.kit.[kit name]

    I also added a few more config options. There's an 'enabled-worlds' setting in Worlds.yml where you can add different world names, there are also two booleans, 'kits-are-limited-per-world' and 'item-drops-are-limited-per-world'. They're pretty self explanatory but for the sake of it, the kits one decides if the kits should follow the 'enabled-worlds' list or not, and the same for the item drops.
  7. Offline


    Thanks! I’ll mark this as filled :)
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