Question Suggestion for Server Monitor/Daemon?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by MaliciousMan, May 16, 2015.

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    So it's pretty hard to maintain up-time in a "dev" situation where I'm constantly adding things while the server is live, the memory's runs out and kills things (because of broken loops sometimes, in code), the code goes haywire and java does it's spewing etc, etc lol.

    I was just wondering if anyone knows or uses any kind of monitoring program/daemon to automatically save/log/restart/etc their server(commercially?).

    I've looked into and tested the mark2 wrapper, a daemon called Watchdog, and a variant of mark2, and a couple other ones that aren't quite what I'm looking for.

    From personal experience, can anyone recommend anything for my situation?
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    Thanks for the suggestion! I saw that a while ago but was under the impression it was more for people who didn't like SSH and wanted to access their server via mobile. I see that it actually has a lot more functions than just that though.

    I've experienced a crash so bad that the only way to recover was to actually execute a top-level kill via PID, then restart as it had actually FROZEN, do you know if it can do something like that? (I'm really looking for something custom aren't I...?)

    EDIT: I remember trying out M/Monit, and I feel like putting more effort into seeing if I can use that, I vaguely remember that it didn't work the way I wanted, but I'm not too sure...
    Last edited: May 16, 2015
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    I believe that Remote Toolkit is a Java program as such would not be able to perform a top level kill. Then again, this is an issue with the JVM and not an issue with Minecraft or with the server software. A crash bad enough that it requires a root level PID kill is the fault of the JVM not properly handling the load. You'd be better off just writing something yourself to detect a crash if you're concerned that such a freeze will occur frequently.
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    It's not so much a matter of frequency that I think this will happen, that's just the worst I've experienced and I want to make sure my server can reliably recover from such a crash.

    Thanks for the suggestion and feedback @scrollbar, I'll be running some testing on M/Monit first just to see if it could fit my needs, then look into writing my own script if it doesn't work out.
    scrollbar likes this.
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