Stuck with GUI (1.13)

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by bigflori, Nov 18, 2018.

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    I'm trying to update my plugin to 1.13 but I can't figure out what's the problem and why not fill my GUI with items.
    Here's my code:
    String asd = Vars.prefix + Vars.mainMenuHeader;
        public Inventory mainMenu = Bukkit.createInventory(null, 9, asd);
        public void initContents(Player p, Inventory inv) {
            if(inv == null) return;
            ItemStack placeHolder = new ItemStack(Material.GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE, 1, DyeColor.GRAY.getWoolData());
            ItemMeta im = placeHolder.getItemMeta();
            im.setDisplayName(" ");
            for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                //inv.setItem(i, placeHolder);
            if(inv.getName().equals(asd)) {
                if(p.hasPermission(perms.boosters_admin) || p.isOp()) {
                    inv.setItem(0, new Item(Material.PAPER, "§6Boosters parancs rejtett funckiói", new String[] 
                            "§7Ezt csak az engedéllyel rendelkező emberek látják!",
                            "§c/boosters stop - Egy már futó booster leállítása",
                            "§c/boosters give - 1 darab booster addolása",
                            "§c/boosters list - Jelenleg aktív boosterek"
                        }, 1).getItemStack());
                inv.setItem(3, new Item(Material.GOLDEN_APPLE, "§9Booster aktiváló", new String[]
                        "§7Itt tudsz boostereket aktiválni!"
                    }, 1).getItemStack());
                inv.setItem(5, new Item(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD, "§9Booster vásárló", new String[]
                        "§7Itt tudsz boostereket vásárolni!"
                    }, 1).getItemStack());
                inv.setItem(8, new Item(Material.BARRIER, "§4Kilépés", new String[]{}, 1).getItemStack());
  2. @bigflori

    For debugging, it would be really useful to print all of the contents of the inventory at the end of the initContents method.
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    @knokko I figured out, for some reason it doesn't work if I use variables for the inventory name and in the if statement
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