Strange Extreme Lag

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by lixinho, Jan 9, 2012.

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    I was using my server very happy, all perfect :D, but the server started to lag, I dont known why, just started, I did nothing, I tried to open in the better PC with Intel 5 core 3,8 Ghz and 4Ghz RAM
    but nothing, my connection is 10MB, I use windows XP ( I tried in windows 7 but is the same thing)
    I dont instaled no new plugins, dont changed config, nothing... i dont known why, dont have any error in the console...

    Sorry for the very really extreme bad english.

    @edit if someone want my plugin list just tell...
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    What do you mean 4GHz RAM?
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    Have you tried allocating more ram to the batch file that starts this up? This is a very common fix.
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