Storing a Horse (with a name and attributes, etc) through a list without spawning it

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Drkmaster83, Jan 20, 2014.

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    In my onEnable(), I'm attempting to create Horse objects that I then edit with a void method then store them in a List. So far, though, the only way I know to create Horses is to use the World's spawning methods. Is there any other way (preferably without NMS)?
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    Ah, this dreadful problem. I believe the best way to go about doing this is spawn, set data, then remove after you put the data into an Array or HashSet/Map. I had this problem spawning zombies.

    If anyone knows.
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    add horse
    store it to list
    remove it from world
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    None of this really worked, I mean, I could use the horse's data to create a new horse, but that seems just as bad as what I'm doing now.
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