Heya! Many of you problably play Mineplex. If you do, you may know the skill Static Lazer either from Sheep (SSM) or Mage in Champions. Anyways, if you don't know what I am talking about, I leave you an image right here http://prntscr.com/7k1oeh Ok. Now let's get to the thread. I want to make this but I have problems. 1st. I cant do this with block iterator because as you can see in the print screen it creates a line of particles not a line of blocks filled with particles. (I've tried this. It won't work.). 2nd. I don't know how to make this. So if anyone could help me, it would be great! Thanks for reading!
You wil l have to create a method which takes in where the player is looking and incrementing a number in one for loop (e.g. y = playersyaw * I). Look into players pitch and yaw.
public void particels(Player p){ int x= p.getLocattion().getdirection().getx(); int y= p.getLocattion().getdirection().gety(); int z= p.getLocattion().getdirection().getz(); int temp1; int temp2; int temp3; for(int i = 0; i < 50; i++){ temp1 = p.getlocation().getx() +x*i; temp2 =p.getlocation().gety() y*i; temp3 =p.getlocation().getz() z*i; World#playEffect(particleEffect, new Location(x,y,z)) } }