[SSH/ADMIN] BukkitBootstrap - Script to setup/manage CraftBukkit server on linux.

Discussion in 'Bukkit Tools' started by marlboromoo, May 7, 2013.

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     ___      _  _  _ _  ___          _      _           
    | _ )_  _| |_| |_(_) |_| _ ) ___  ___| |_ __| |_ _ _ __ _ _ __
    | _ \ || | / / / / |  _| _ \/ _ \/ _ \  _(_-<  _| '_/ _` | '_ \
    |___/\_,_|_\_\_\_\_|\__|___/\___/\___/\__/__/\__|_| \__,_| .__/
    ## Features
    - Install bukkit server from rb/beta/dev channels.
    - Update from rb/beta/dev channels.
    - Manage bukkit server with tmux session.
    - Remap `Ctrl+c` key to prevent killing bukkit server.
    - Control script with convenient functions.

    ## TODO
    - support other linux distributions. (current only Ubuntu)
    - colorful output
    - update plugins
    - report server status
    - ...

    Check GitHub repository for details.
  2. Offline


    Very very nice :) A web api would be nice too :)
  3. Offline


    There are tons of web control panels out there. This is not one of them; it's a command-line tool.
  4. Offline


    As Gravity say, it's a command-line tool , thanks anyway.
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    I can't start server

    It show "failed to connect to server: Connection refused"
    please help me
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